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Taro Tsujimoto

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Everything posted by Taro Tsujimoto

  1. 1. Not really. 2. Pretty cool. 3. Pretty crazy. 4. I guess we’ll see. 5. I don’t think so. 6. He should.
  2. Wtf, it didn’t go through the first time. 1. Good job. 2. Just more points. 3. When I learned you get get 2 more tpe per week with practice facility. 4. We should add some gambling tables for blackjack and stuff that hang over the arena for some extra revenue and it symbolises the aces. 5. I don’t know yet. 6. Time travelling. 7. The trademark rights to “Las Vegas Aces.”
  3. 1. I don’t know, Team Clue hasn’t released the roster yet. 2. Alright, I haven’t really done anything. 3. VHLM draft probably, I don’t really know. 4. Ya, I hope I do well. 5. Mexico City. 6. Nothing, I’m perfect.
  4. 1. Yes, it was very cool to even win a game against Mexico City. 2. Not really, I expected to get swept. 3. I don’t know, I didn’t check. 4. Maybe, I didn’t check the box score. 5. I don’t know where I’ll go, I just want more minutes. 6. It was good, as a rookie I liked it and don’t really have any suggestions.
  5. 1. I like viper, they are pretty good at doing the updates and stuff. 2. Maybe, it feels nice to win. 3. Ya, but I feel like I have the potential for more. 4. I think the quiet deadline was wise. 5. Good job. 6. I don’t know what twists are.
  6. 1. Good luck Jason. 2. Make us win some more games. 3. How does a spy even work, what secrets do we even have that anyone can’t just find easily. 4. Probably increase his offensive awareness stat. 5. New England Patriots because that’s how I grew up. 6. It should be a funny roulette table named Roulette Table.
  7. 1. I don’t know, give CBBE flowers. 2. It’s alright, I’m indifferent because I don’t know what theme week even is. 3. I doubt there will be many, we don’t even have much talent to shed if we wanted to tank. 4. Yes, that would be a cool way for some players to get the attention of other leagues and especially if they’re on bad teams. 5. No, we stink. 6. Fuck. (I assume I have a booming voice)
  8. 1. I’m indifferent, I don’t really know what it is. 2. It’s alright, it’s my first year so I don’t really have a comparison. 3. Offensive awareness because it is overall one of the best. 4. Bottom 2 or 3, we kind of suck right now. 5. Mexico City, they have an awful color scheme. 6. Zoo because at least you can walk around, a roller coaster is just a seat.
  9. 1) CBBE because it’s literally in the name. 2) Alright, we’re not great but I didn’t have high expectations 3) I’m new so my player is doing way better than expected, I though I would suck but I’m almost a point per game 4) Mexico City because they’re doing so well 5) Well my player’s name is Tarro and his nickname is Taro 6) I like lemon toothpaste which isn’t really food but I think it’s still weird enough to count
  10. I wish, O conscript fathers, to be merciful; I wish not to appear negligent amid such danger to the state; but I do now accuse myself of remissness and culpable inactivity. A camp is pitched in Italy, at the entrance of Etruria, in hostility to the republic; the number of the enemy increases every day; and yet the general of that camp, the leader of those enemies, we see within the walls-aye, and even in the senate-planning every day some internal injury to the republic. If, O Catiline, I should now order you to be arrested, to be put to death, I should, I suppose, have to fear lest all good men should say that I had acted tardily, rather than that any one should affirm that I acted cruelly. But yet this, which ought to have been done long since, I have good reason for not doing as yet; I will put you to death, then, when there shall be not one person possible to be found so wicked, so abandoned, so like yourself, as not to allow that it has been rightly done. As long as one person exists who can dare to defend you, you shall live; but you shall live as you do now, surrounded by my many and trusty guards, so that you shall not be able to stir one finger against the republic; many eyes and ears shall still observe and watch you, as they have hitherto done, tho you shall not perceive them.
  11. Player Information Username: Taro Tsujimoto Player Name: Tarro Tsujimoto Recruited From: Member (sadie) Age: 20 Position: C Height: 69 in. Weight: 195 lbs. Birthplace: Japan Player Page @VHLM GM
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