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Everything posted by Dadam30

  1. Don't really know all i know is he is suspicious but i dont have hard evidence
  2. trying to find some suspicious people
  3. so far what i know is i'm still sus about ricer. I personally would look into him. but no killings night one is odd in my opinion.
  4. vote lemorse (woog, ricer, omg, GLU, Grape, hatty, Dadam)
  5. Nice of you to dodge the question. Makes me think you're even more suspicious
  6. @Ricer13 What were you doing last night? you're a bit suspicious
  7. 1. Here we are! Back in the Conference Final for the third straight season! How many games will the series go? I know the answer i don't like the ending 2. What has been your favorite memory of this playoff run so far? Making it to the NA finals for the 2nd time in my career. 3. Who has been our playoff MVP so far? Jimi for sure! 4. If we make it to the Final, who would you prefer to play - London United or Helsinki Titans? Would have been nice to play Helsinki back to back years. 5. Do you have any routines or superstitions that you're following during the playoffs? PBJ sandwich pre game is a must. 6. Which is your breakfast cereal of choice? I'm a sucker for corn flakes.
  8. Review: This one really awesome looking graphic! This legit looks like a post that a real Pro team would post to honor a player for a milestone! The logo swaps are as clean as they come and i also really like the choice of the player pulling on the jersey i think it really brings something to the graphic. I like how you utilized the trees made the subtle but also very clean looking. I like how you made the logo in the background translucent so you could put the arena behind it giving this a little more flair! Overall this is clean one of the cleanest graphics i have seen so far well done! Rating: 9.8/10
  9. Review: This is sick! I always make sure to make sure come and see any graphic you post! I really like the effect you used on this graphic i cant put my finger on what game it reminds me of. The logo swaps on the players was very well done. I really like the font you used as it really fits the graphic! The only thing i wish is this was made for the Toronto Legion haha. Overall this is a very well made graphic i cant wait to see what you make next! Rating: 8.9/10
  10. Saskatoon Wild Press Conference 1. Well we clinched the playoffs you guys out in the work earning tpe to make it possible well done! You excited for the post season? 2. Who do you think the wilds Mr. Post season will be? (MPV) 3. why do you think that person will be our Mr. Post season? 4. We play the Philadelphia Reapers round one, how do you think we stack up to them team wise? 5. What position on our team is going to be essential in beating the reapers round 1? 6. What is your favorite video game?
  11. Review: Is it world juniors time already?? Time flies. Overall this graphic is simple but very well done! I like the choice for the host city but i think somewhere in Yukon needs to be next years host! personally i would like something flashy in the graphic to bring everything together like this years irl world juniors logo but could just be a personal preference. Overall i really like this years logo keep up the good work! rating: 8.7/10
  12. review: Hey this graphic is super slick! I really love i really loved how you used the bear paw in this graphic! I really like how you added the scratch mark into the font really adds to the feel to the graphic as a whole as a small detail. I love how you used the player 3 different ways! Lastly i really liked how you used the woodsy background just in the paw think it adds more to it rather than making it the whole background! This is really good stuff keep up the good work! Rating: 9.3/10
  13. Saskatoon Wild Press Conference 1. we traded Forum Content who use to lead the team in points who do you think will take over that roll now that he is gone? 2. We added Leon Bruhmaninho at the deadline. What about his game do you think will help bring us success here in Saskatoon? 3. How do you think the wilds trade deadline went? 4. What is your dream vacation spot? 5. What food is super underrated in your opinion? 6. What player name do you think is the best in the VHL currently?
  14. review: Well i see another subject post in the same week you know I'm coming to see another phenomenal graphic! I like how simple but nice and clean this graphic is. I like the font choice as it matches the team color scheme but i do think a more water themed color would have made a bit more sense to the graphic but that could just be again my personal preference. The only other thing would be as a habs fan seeing a bruins player is a no no haha. But jokes aside thing graphic is awesome keep it up Subject! Rating: 8.9/10
  15. Review: Hey there! Well looking at this graphic i can tell you keep bringing the heat with these graphics! I have always loved the color way for Davos the second i joined the league and this graphic really just adds to it! I loved the way you edited the goalies equipment looks perfect! I always really enjoy this style of background as it fits the sig style graphics super well! I personally think the all-star is a little hidden i personally think i would have put it under the players name but its probably a personal preference! Overall keep up the excellent work!! Rating: 9.4/10
  16. Saskatoon Wild Press Conference 1. Forum Content currently leads the lead in points, why do you think he is producing so well? 2. Ryeley Michel bias is currently 9th in the league in sv% do you think they can reach number 1 by the end of the season? 3. So far in the season in your own opinion in your player performing to your liking or underperforming? 4. As the deadline is this weekend and the wild are all but out do you see yourself staying with the wild long term? 5. What is your most memorable moment so far this season? 6. Who do you think the team to beat come VHLM playoffs?
  17. Saskatoon Wild Press Conference 1. We are going through a gm change is there anything you would like to say to @Berockaas he parts ways from the team? 2. We have a new gm on the team in @Ricer13 what can you tell him about your player to help him get to know you better? 3. Are you drafted in the VHL? 4. What team did you get drafted by in the VHL ( If You haven't been drafted yet what team would you like to get drafted by)? 5. What is something that most people don't know about your home town? 6. Is there anything giving you troubles with VHL? IF so what are they so myself or @Ricer13can help you out!
  18. Review: Hey buddy i really like what you did with this graphic! I think the amount of detail in the graphic is fantastic such as the repeating forward down the left side as i feel it brings more to the graphic than people will realize! I really like when people add the stats to their graphic as i personally feel it makes the graphic feel like I'm looking at a highlighted player on TV. The glitch effect on the font looks amazing in the graphic! The only thing the trips me out is the hill of ice you have as for me personally i would have liked it to be level like ice but i could be wrong or be a personal preference! Overall keep up the great work! Rating: 9.1/10
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