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Everything posted by Rin

  1. very good point
  2. I would NEVER do it if I didn't have a backup camera, but its existence is slowly opening up my mind to the world of backing into spaces. Sometimes it's really convenient to have your trunk positioned at the front of the spot, but 95% of the time I'm pulling in forward anyway. I didn't realize it was so controversial though, I always saw it as a tomato-tomahto thing.
  3. Kagamine is a good display name but I think I gotta take Rin instead

    1. Masu Chan
    2. McWolf


      They're both terrible but I'll let it slide because it's you

    3. Gustav
  4. It's been a hot minute since I had a player in the VHL, and it's already plain to see that quite a bit had changed. To start, I didn't used to have to think to build my player...LOL. Some stuff is definitely a lot to take in, but in a lot of ways, everything is still familiar. Point tasks are the same, a lot of the TPE purchases and such are the same, and I definitely still see a lot of familiar faces. I'm fairly optimistic about what will now be my 3rd player, especially since I've given her the namesake of a legendary figure for weeb-hating and accepting members, alike. It's my #1 girl Kagamine Rin, or Rin Kagamine localized (which is how it'll show up for the player). I think my major concern is to step into the VHL as I should have the first time- not taking anything too seriously, not making it an obligation, and enjoying the creativity of people in general. I definitely had been feeling a creative void in the time that I left, but over the last few years, I was so worried about work that it didn't matter. Lots of days would end with me being tired, and just wanting to kick back with my dog and a few friends to watch shows and play games. So overall, I guess my overall plan is to do the following: Make sure my hobby is just a hobby, and take time off if I need to Funnel creativity into VHL projects, and support the creativity of others for its own sake. Sim leagues feel most alive when everyone is contributing to building the world. Do Rin justice, because she deserves it. I remember Enorama adding songs to some of his articles or PTs, maybe I'll make it a small goal to post Rin songs alongside my .coms. Starting here, with a pretty fitting "Reboot" by my favorite Rin producer. Do it for the waifus~
  5. oh SHIT
  6. 1) Lots of ups and downs, though that seems like a cop-out answer. Roughly a month ago I got to experience my first round of layoffs, so now we're riding that sweet, sweet unemployment train. I was, however, in the building for game 5 of the cup finals, and watching Vegas win live trumps everything that happened job-wise. Employment is temporary, but that cup win is forever. 2) Recently I've been digging into NHL 2k11 on Dolphin, which was the hockey game I mostly grew up playing. It was my first "sim league" experience in a way, my brother and I would create teams to fill with fake players, take control of one as the "GM" and see which teams would win in CPU vs CPU games. Only now, I've been modding textures to create completely custom logos and uniforms. I'm changing the ice texture to reflect league logos and in-universe sponsors. I've even found a tool that allows you to make roster updates by updating a CSV, which I can build off of to programmatically update players' attributes. Lots of cool stuff going on, only recently completed my own team's home uniform (after figuring out how to do it all)! https://i.imgur.com/iQkZo3U.mp4 3) Not a ton, unfortunately, but the IMMEDIATE thing that sticks out is how VHLM waiver claims look. I totally get the logistics of moving the pitches and team-joining to the portal, rather than having to post and kind of "snipe" players as a GM. I do really miss how creative those threads would get though, with GMs creating whole graphics and pitches that helped make the league feel alive. This waiver signing felt really impersonal, but I can definitely connect the reasoning on why it changed. 4) Honestly, to just relax and have a creative outlet. I've tried to do way too much and got way too involved in the past, when the whole reason I joined to begin with was to get into a roleplay-ish headspace as a hockey player in a fictional league. My only goal is to completely avoid obligations- fun hobbies should be fun hobbies, not second jobs. I shouldn't feel bad for deciding to take breaks, failing to max earn, or passing on league jobs. 5) The "again" is throwing me for a LOOP, I genuinely don't remember this being a thing. I was definitely going through a baseball phase around the time I left, but I don't remember what this is referring to specifically LOL 6) Oh god, the merch store.... I don't know what I'm at liberty to say, since a lot of that talk was done in BoG and such, but there were some huge logistical flaws with it that basically killed it before it ever got a chance. Was definitely a huge source of frustration to find out that something I was passionate about improving was a concept kind of doomed to fail. It could work, but there are some MAJOR hurdles that need to be cleared first. And I don't blame anyone for not wanting to tackle them.
  7. Do user ones count for press conference TPE? If so, either or is totally fine by me
  8. I totally forgot that this was a capped thing you could do, feel free to AMA!
  9. now youre speakin my language
  10. Yup, that sounds about right. No worries, starting fresh is absolutely the preference.
  12. I didn't really bother checking to see if the old name worked- why do that when you can go full tribute, anyway?
  13. Oh, have pitches/team joining moved to the Portal? This thread for player creation is now just more if an intro?
  14. Player Information Username: Kagamine Player Name: Rin Kagamine Recruited From: Returning Age: 28 Position: D Height: 65 in. Weight: 140 lbs. Birthplace: Japan Player Page @VHLM GM
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