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Everything posted by ctoland102
Former Bull here: 1. Bit of a dry spell at the moment. How does your player like to bring Lady Luck back into their good graces? -- I think I've been getting lucky with my scoring this season, I almost have more points than penalties at this point in the season. 2. Kind of a random question, but do you think 200 TPE is enough time for someone to enjoy the minor leagues? Should it increase? Decrease? -- 200 is perfectly fine in my opinion, it lets you build up a surplus to apply right when you move up to the E which seems to require a bit of dumping into specific attributes. 3. FLORIDA!!!!! FLORIDAAAAA!!!!!! Why is Darnell Nurse paid so much? -- give 3 guys a pile of money and hope the others you can afford will help them. 4. In cricket news: The US National Cricket team beat the Pakistani National team this past weekend. That would be like if the Guatemalan National Hockey Team beat Canada or Finland. Are there any big upsets in sports history that stick out to you most? -- '99 Stanley Cup Final. enough said 5. The Capitals bought CapFriendly and they intend on shutting the site down so other teams don't get an advantage. Kind of a dick move, right? -- That is pretty lame maybe they'll rebrand as CapitalsSuck.com. 6. Sometimes you just have a really bad day. We all have that dish that can easily bring us the warmest comfort. For me it's grilled onions, thinly sliced steak, over a bed of white rice and some yummy sherry reduction over the top. What's your comfort dish? -- Kraft mac and cheese for sure. I could eat a box of that without even noticing.
1. How do you think our team is looking after the recent draft? -- Good mix of newer guys and strong returning players. Lots of room for growth and good overall potential. 2. Did you get drafted to any other leagues or was the VHLM your first draft? -- For my first season I was only picked up by the Bulls. Last season I was drafted by the Preds, and the Express in the E. 3. Do you have any questions for me? -- How do you think this season will go for the Lynx? 4. What do you think the most important position in hockey is? -- Defense, you can have the best offense in the world but if you don't have any D behind them you're not gonna do so well. 5. How do you think the Lynx could improve? -- Goalies got some work to do to have a solid build. Obviously being newer this is to be expected. 6. Do you think we'll be as good as last season with 50 wins again? -- I'd love to see it. There's potential.
1. I think we did pretty well in the first round. 2. I just watch the game recaps at the while doing cardio gym in the morning. 3. the regular season was fun. That last couple game push before securing a playoff spot is always exciting. 4. I would have liked to score more but overall I don't think I'd change anything, 5. Dark mode only. 6. I think it would be a good idea but I'm not sure the logistics of getting that up and working as well as the forums do.
1. How confident are you in your player and the team heading into the playoffs? -- I'm pretty confident we'll do good in this playoff run. We've won 50 games this season 2. How did you feel about your players performance this season? -- 14G 38A and leading the league in PIMs I would say I did way better than last season. 3. Predict who will win the VHLM Founders Cup, who will be the runner up? -- If we don't win, we'll be runner up. 4. Have you ever been to any NHL games or any other major sporting event. -- I go to a couple NHL games a year, I do go to AHL games all the time though I have season tickets. 5. Do you have a favourite video game or one you played a lot when you were younger? --Dave Mirra Freestyle BMX 2 that game was awesome back in the day I remember putting hours into that on the GameCube. 6. What do you think has been the key to our success this season? -- Goaltending for sure, Hugo Boss coming in crazy this season. 11 Shutouts was a big part of this seasons success for sure.
1. Have you been watching the last week of the NHL? Who's your favourite team? -- Buffalo as always, once they're done I focus on the AHL playoffs, their affiliate Rochester has been doing pretty well this season. Hopefully they go all the way! 2. Do you have a favourite sports player? Any sport -- My favorite, non-hockey, sports player would have to be either John Daly(golf) or Pete Weber(bowling), both guys have traits that make them entertaining to watch. 3. How did you react to the trade bringing in @Chillybro's player? -- Its always fun to get new players. 4. Did you think the team was going to make any more moves? -- They may I'm not too sure though. I think we've got a good group and I don't recall hearing anyone wanting to move. 5. If you could choose a sound to be played in the arena when your player steps on the ice what would it be? -- https://www.myinstants.com/en/instant/amongus-sus-74999/?utm_source=copy&utm_medium=share 6. Have you ever thought of recruiting anyone to the league? There's a TPE incentive incase you didn't know. -- I don't really communicate with people that would really participate like they should in something like this.
VHLM Rebrand Week: Ottawa This week has been determined to be the week in which teams across the VHL, and subsequent minor leagues, rebrand for a bit of fun and to allow greater interaction with the fans. This time around, the fans of the current Ottawa Lynx were polled in order to find a different animal to represent the team. Voting opened up a couple weeks ago asking fans which animal native to Ottawa would replace the beloved Lynx the best. With entries ranging from, Geese to Meese, (yes I know that’s improper pluralization but hey, it rhymes) the fans provided many different options to vote for. This year it has come down to a close race between a few very close competitors, Owls, Porcupine, Grey Wolves, and River Otters. The Owls came in with 45,243 votes just beating out the Geese by a couple hundred votes. The Porcupine reached 67,932 votes, a fair number of votes just shy of 7% of the Ottawa population. And we’re down to the final two options, the Grey Wolves and the River Otters. This season's rebrand for the Ottawa Lynx has been voted to be the Ottawa River Otters. The River Otters received 128,673 votes beating out the Grey Wolves by around 14,000 votes. By a slim margin the River Otters pulled ahead and were selected. There has been some noise about this on social media particularly questioning the ferocity of an Otter. Which, given the look of the animal itself versus how well the team has been doing lately seems to be a fair point. The now River Otters are leading the league with a 34-8-5 record. Jillian Woods and Kevin OConner are both leading the league, Woods with Points for a Defenseman(54) and OConner for Shorthanded Goals(1). Of course we can’t forget the unbelievable performance from Hugo Boss this season, leading the league in wins(34), shutouts(8), and goals against average(1.86). Now back to the topic of Otters. The River Otter is native to much of Canada and the United States, really only avoiding warmer climates. River Otters obviously thrive in cooler climates and in areas where there are an abundance of streams, ponds, and other bodies of water. While they may seem pretty cute and friendly on the outside, they can really tear up some fish and smaller mammals. Their main source of nourishment is fish and mussels and whatever lurks around in the rivers but from time to time they’ll go to shore and hunt for muskrats and small rabbits. They move quite quickly and are resilient to the cold much like the hockey players they were chosen to represent this year. In short, I think the fans came up with a great replacement for the Lynx. The river otter may not be quite as intimidating as a lynx but they’re unsuspectingly able to do what needs to be done when the time comes. The Ottawa fans have spoken and decided that the Lynx will be rebranded to the Ottawa River Otters for S93!
1. Where do you see yourself next season? Staying in the VHLM? Or moving up? -- I think I should be playing up in the VHLE next season given my current tpe is at the limit for the M. 2. What do you think has been the main reason behind our success this season? -- I would have to say our defense is coming in clutch this season. Jillian Woods has been putting in that work so far and has been getting points left and right. 3. Did you end up falling for any April fools jokes this year? -- None that I am aware of. 4. What's your favourite sport outside of hockey? What's your favourite teams? -- Favorite sport outside of hockey would be disc golf. Not so much a team based sport but Team Innova is pretty good. 5. If you could take over the VHL for a day what would you do? -- Probably have a shootout tournament where each team would send their best scorers to go 1v1. I don't know though probably just regular all star kinda stuff. 6. Whats your all time favourite movie? -- I really like Office Space. I think it really captures the office environment well and the humor in it is just right.
Had a great experience this season. Looking forward to the next! VHLM = +3 TPE
1. With the VHL entry draft coming up on the 9th how excited are you to be joining a new team? Is there anybody who you would KILL to have on your team? -- I'm excited for what's upcoming, I don't know if I could choose just one player to have on my team again. 2. We have new team pets with our kitty Litten, our dog Rocky, and out Puppy Growlithe how are you going to spoil them? Also don't worry you will be allowed to come back to the facility to hang with them. -- Of course they're going to get all the treats and toys they could ever beg for. Maybe sneak them some people food too if I'm feeling generous. 3. Once you get your big boy pay after being drafted to the show how will you spend tour newly earned money? -- Probably buy a nice house in the area and a Kawasaki Z900RS. 4. Your favourite AGM has been kidnapped by criminals and you have to fill his role what are you doing first? -- Putting on the weekly Press Conference of course. And maybe giving myself a bump in pay. 5. Are there any teammates who you will keep in touch, and hang out with after the gang is split up? -- I'd like to stay in touch with everyone, we had a great group this season. 6. Your AGM is doing the press conference this week do you like the change or would you rather @AJW continue doing it? -- I liked the questions this week, I think our AGM did a great job with them.
1. What a run! A second round exit is nothing to be disappointed about, top 4 in the league! After the loss, what were the emotions/thoughts going through your player's head? --We did great for being a relatively new team. We had lots of first season players and I think making this far should be something to celebrate. 2. End of the season is actually a beautiful time to finally get that extra sleep you've been craving, or maybe pick up a skill you've been wanting to try with your new free time. What will you do with your free time to start your off-season? -- In the off season, I'll be getting into starting a beef jerky business. Its something I regularly snack on and make myself anyway, I figure I should find a way to monetize it. 3. We had a lot of new friendly faces enter the locker room this season. So many bright and fun people put on the Bulls jersey! What was your favorite part about being a Bull this season? -- The energy in the locker room post win. Everybody was so excited and happy to be there. It was a fun season, we won a lot and had some great high scoring games. 4. Houston Texas, home of the Houston Bulls of the VHLM: RIOTS STRIKE!! Gang leader of the "Vencko's Sobriety Test" gang (VST for short) got his crew to riot through the streets of Houston after our loss to Philadelphia. Did you join in on the riots? Houston GM AJW was seen throwing a flaming pitchfork at a picture of Philly GM @Lemorse7. -- Well, what kind of teammate would I be had I not joined in. Of course I may have joined in disguise as to not be photographed at the event. 5. Let's talk about that draft! VHL and VHLE drafts are coming up, have any GMs started reaching out to interview you? Which team(s) are your favorite as of this week? -- A few have reached out Davos, Helsinki, and Seattle have reached out to me. I'm not to particular to where I go as long as that team has a similar energy to Houston. 6. It's been a really fun season but you can't hold onto the past, I'm already thinking of the next VHLM draft! Do you have any plans/goals for your player next season? Are you trying to earn that extra TPE per week? Maybe you want to hit a 30 goal milestone? -- I'd like to be more consistent with my graphics. I try to get around to them but once the 9-5 is over sometimes I just don't have the time. (a couple of them I may have made on the clock lol)
1. The regular season is almost done and playoffs are just around the corner. What is your favourite thing about playoffs? What is your least favourite? -- My favorite thing about the playoff is the atmosphere of the home games, the energy is so high throughout the entire run it always seems to help me play a bit better. My least favorite thing about the playoffs are the last possible game in a series loss. Those kinds of losses are crushing knowing you let down your fans and thinking about that during the whole off season is pretty miserable. 2. On the topic of playoffs, Houston is projected to finish this season 4th-6th place in the VHLM standings. What does walking into the first round of playoffs as a 'middle of the pack' team mean? Are we underdogs? Are we just a first round exit? -- I feel like our team has the potential to pull off some underdog style playoff run. We've not been doing to bad the past couple of weeks hopefully we trend upwards the next few. 3. How was this season in the VHLM for you/your player? Were there any milestones reached? Any goals set that you accomplished? -- I don't think I've reached any specific milestone other than at this point leading the league in penalty minutes. It may not be something to aspire towards but at least my name will be in the record book somewhere. 4. The Houston Bulls are hosting a charity event where fans and community members can purchase their tickets to this weekend's "Bulls in the Spotlight". Each player on the team must perform a song of choice and sing it to the crowd... what song is your player choosing to sing? -- I think I would channel my inspiration from Wayne's World and preform Bohemian Rhapsody. It was such an iconic movie and I think I could rope some of my teammates to help me out. 5. The charity event was a smash hit (pretend we are in the future)! We raised so much money that we could buy every bitcoin ever invented, we're RICH rich!! With unlimited money in the bank account, what should the team spend all this money on? A new arena? Team private jet? A 10ft tall statue of your favourite GM (me)? -- I would like to see the team put back some of the money into the community maybe open up a roller hockey facility for the community and then maybe spend what's left over on some quality of life stuff for our support staff. 6. Last but not least, it's Valentine's Day on February 14th. I will personally be studying for my midterm while eating chocolates alone, what will you be doing for Cupid day? -- I'll be spending the majority of the day going to the gym, working, and then coming home to cook dinner for my girlfriend and I.
1. We aren't as good as we used to be, at least in the past 10 games played. 3-6-1 through our last 10 games, what do we need to do as a team to get back on the winning track? -- I think we just need to get our rhythm back, with adding so many new people things just need time to get back to where they were. I think we should be able to make it back to where we were soon. 2. With our roster now set we do not need to add any new players to the team this season. What is the best feeling about being part of a full 12-6-2 roster? Are there any negatives you find? --I feel like it keeps everybody well rested and able to play at their best each game but I do miss the ice time a bit. I went from averaging like 25-30 mins a game down to 15ish. Its a bit easier on the body though. 3. Trade Deadline is here and Houston has two new faces joining us to complete our roster. @CowboyinAmerica was traded from Halifax and @KRZY signed from waivers, these two are fresh meat in the locker room. What is something these players should know about Houston and our team? Are there any cool spots in Houston you want them to know about? -- After each game I like to go to get some barbeque, there's quite a few good places I'll go that are only a few blocks from the Arena. The team likes to go out after practice to loosen up and have fun after our long practices. 4. Playoffs are always in the back of my mind. Since drafting, trading, and signing each player this season, my goal is always to get to the playoffs. Looks like we got a good shot this season to make it! What is the one team you DO NOT want to go up against in the 1st round? VHLM playoffs take the top 8/10 teams in the league. -- I really don't want to face Vegas, them being first seed and all they've been have a great season and I don't know if that would work out well for us especially in the first round. 5. I have always loved Taco Tuesdays, Wine Wednesdays, Freaky Fridays, etc... Which day of the week is your go to "event day"? Is there a day of the week where you have a routine meal or event? -- I like doing a Spaghetti Sunday, I invite whoever wants to come over to my place to eat as much spaghetti as possible. The nutritionist might not like the sound of all those carbs but I sure as hell do! 6. It's GM day! I literally just made that up. For GM day you are required to give me something. This "something" can be anything! A unicycle? Sure! Some baby turtles and a tank for them to live in? Thank you very much! What is one thing you would like to give to me, your GM, if you could give me anything? -- I think I would get the GM a nice bottle of Bourbon and maybe some cigars. To be fair they run things around here and I'm sure those two would help deal with some of the stress especially from me taking all those penalties.
Houston Bulls Defenseman Cody Toland was selected by the fans for the All Star game. Toland currently leads the league in both hits and penalty minutes. It seems he was chosen to be the enforcer out there on the ice. Hopefully he'll put on a show for them out there.
1. We have officially crossed the halfway point of this season, S92. Through a half season of play, what are you overall thoughts on our team? Halfway though it seems like the team is doing pretty good. My player specifically hasn't been generating much beyond penalties so I may need to shift my spec a bit. 2. It's Theme Week! This season's theme for Theme Week is "All-Star". What are you planning on doing for Theme Week? Have you already submitted a Media/Graphic/Podcast? I might have to throw together a little graphic we'll see though. 3. Weekly tasks sometimes turn into a bore. VHL.com's might not be as interesting as they use to be, or you may get trivia wrong and lose all motivation... If you could choose a new way to earn TPE, what would your task of choice be? I think a little RNG could do the process a bit of fun without the work of a media/graphic/pod maybe a d6 roll with a chance to pay 1 TPE for a re-roll. 4. Halfway through the season is usually when players finally feel their groove. Daily games create great routines! What is your routine in order to be ready for each and every single game? I like to get a little pre-game protein shake and warm up by hitting the heavy bag. Sometimes during away games I'll walk around the area to see if there's anything interesting. 5. If you had to choose between only winning team awards, or only winning individual awards, which would you choose and why? I think the individual awards are better for the players themselves it instills the drive to push further and further to do better. Personally I'd like to see an award for the most PIMs but that's just me 6. Almost February! One month of 2024 gone already, has anything cool/interesting happened to you in this first month? Been trying to go on daily walks to get more time outside they've been pretty relaxing so far other than its like 20F and snowy where I'm at.
at 107 + 10 to 117
1.) Reynolds seems to be killing it so far this season, I think he's got 15 goals so far. As for our strengths so far this season, I would have to say our goaltending has gotten way better since the start of the season. Some of the saves these boys are making are insane! 2.) If we play good these next couple of games I think we should be able to make it up to the second overall spot. I'd like to think we can keep this energy alive for the rest of the week. 3.) Away from the rink, I've been doing some sparring at the local MMA gym. I didn't win that fight I got into a couple weeks ago so I figured I'd brush up on my skills in case I'm in that situation again. Other than that though I've been trying to find the best BBQ in town which, to be fair, is quite hard as it's all great. 4.) I think sharing the ice is a necessity. Not only does it keep our players less fatigued but it allows everyone a chance to make something happen. I know from years past that if I'm out there not really making anything happen it's hard to sleep at night feeling like I could have done better. So I think dividing ice time evenly is key to allowing us all a chance to get a piece of the action. 5.) Ben and Lucy have been killing it this season. Their commitment to the game is absolutely essential to this teams success. Without either of them I don't think we would be doing as well as we are right now. I think they could both easily lock down 80 points this season. I'd love to see more though. 6.) I think I'll probably reach the 135 mark by the playoffs. I'm working on my defensive vision at the moment, I may end up putting a bit more into fighting as I kinda like the enforcer role but we'll see what happens.