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About Xhekajsleftankle

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  1. 1. I've never been asked something as a team, although I can imagine this is far more personal. So for me preferable. 2. I like Arber Xhekaj and toes 3. Again I like Arber Xhekaj, but this one is because I was told "don't make a swear your name" - sadie 4. I don't remember which country I chose tbh, but I remember it being because it sounded cool. 5. Yes and no I didn't care about weight or height so I made it mine. But for Age I really wanted to put 1007 years old but I wasnt allowed to 6. Xhekajs pinkytoe
  2. she recruited me and stuff
  3. Player Information Username: Xhekajsleftankle Player Name: Xhekajs middletoe Recruited From: Member (sadie) Age: 18 Position: RW Height: 72 in. Weight: 160 lbs. Birthplace: Tuvalu Player Page @VHLM GM
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