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About Xhekityb123

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    Xhekajs middletoe
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  • NHL Team
    Montreal Canadiens

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  2. Welcome to the original Xhekajs middle appendage (not the cock), the universal twin brother of the middle toe, far more similar then the other universal xhek siblings, on the account they were born in the exact same way, same time and by the same family and with no normalities. However the major difference being that when the xhekmother got up she didnt stub her toe, insteadshe stubbed her middle finger on the air when she was flipping off the child that was crying next to her. Reasonable reaction tbh. As stated before xhekajs middle toe and xhekajs middle finger are incredibly similar, however that one difference in name did change a lot. Xhekajs middle finger was a notably bad influence on the children around him because he had an impusle to show his last name instead of say it which ofc was bad for appearance around children. But aside from that they are remarkably similar, even have the same hair style that they have had since birth. Both born with a full head of hair and it hasnt been cut nor has it grown since. Thanks for listening to this edition of of Xhek into the xhekaj verse.
  3. 1. I dont super care I like the cold of winter but the activities of summer 2. My birthday 3. not particularly smelly, but it triggers my allergies 4. dandelions, one by my own heart, weeds but beautiful 8. middletoe playing 59:59 mins a night 9. good to start then awful
  4. Your production of forum content is impressive, I would die if I wrote this much and it wouldn't even be 1/10th of the quality. Welcome to the VHL!!! I am super excited to read all you post!!!
  5. Thanks for the C Lucy! And the Beautiful graphic, it looks amazing!
  6. This Vhl.com article is all about xhekaj's middletoe's middle name. Xhekaj Xhektholomew XhekGOAT xhekty-dumpty-sat-on-a-wall Xhekgoat (but lowercase because it isnt an acronym, but is instead named after his universal cousin whom is a goat) Bernard Arber Xhekduck Xheki-wan Kenobi Xhek Vadar Xhekrear Xhekbear Xhekmurican Xheknadian Xhekpharmacist Xhekbot Xhekber Arbkaj ArbXhek berkaj Xhekaj's middle-finger Xhek[CENSORED] Xhek[CENSORED] (AGAIN wtf going on over there mr middletoe) Jack-and-Simona-ran-up-the-hill Middletoe, is Xhekaj Xhektholomew XhekGOAT xhekty-dumpty-sat-on-a-wall Xhekgoat (but lowercase because it isnt an acronym, but is instead named after his universal cousin whom is a goat) Bernard Arber Xhekduck Xheki-wan Kenobi Xhek Vadar Xhekrear Xhekbear Xhekmurican Xhekanadian Xhekpharmacist Xhekbot Xhekber Arbkaj ArbXhek berkaj Xhekaj's middle-finger Xhek[CENSORED] Xhek[CENSORED] (AGAIN wtf going on over there mr middletoe) Jack-and-Simona-ran-up-the-hill Middletoe's full name. He got bullied a lot, but as the xhekverse expands he keeps adding to his name to best represent his universal family. Many of these characters are yet to be introduced, but will be soon enough. Thank you for listening to Xhek into the xhekverse list of future and past characters / Middletoes Middlename. I will eventually get to them, however they will all be low quality and with maximum creativity and minimum effort. Can I trademark that? Jk pretty sure the modern "artists" already did that. (their creativity is found in the bs they peddle as meaning)
  7. Hi ex-captain here (thats so sad to say) I am here on a return trip to export poutine to Malmo and thought I would do a presser well I was here. 1. I would max out my grit 2.Yes of course, Its halifax 3. It is an amazing roster that will win the cup 4. Well I would have to be looking in the mirror of course 5. Coconut 6. A giant boat that chops up the opponent with its propeller
  8. Xheki-wan Kenobi is a Xhek who reached immense potential. Overcoming his anger issues through meditative arts and yoga. As he was recruited as a Jedi at the age of only 4, boasting an above average midichlorian count of 12,500 per cell. Despite the oddities of his youth and growing up, and the seemingly apposing nature of hockey and being a Jedi. Xheki-wan Kenobi went on to carve out great careers in both. Designing his lightsaber in the shape of a hockey stick. So that he could use it for multipurpose. People thought this would be problematic as it seemed dangerous to carry a weapon that can easily slice people in half when on the ice. But after many years of practice xheki-wan Kenobi was able to learn immense control over his stick and has never cut anybody in half. Though they have said his Puck control is lethal, miraculously he has never been stick lifted once, nor poke checked, and same for the other way around, when he tries to stick lift someone they have never held on. Nobodies figured out how he does it yet though. With Xheki-wan Kenobi's lethal instincts you would think that he might be a goaltender, but they realized that whenever he was put into net nobody could score, and they banned him from playing in the crease as he was simply too good. When xheki-wan Kenobi started playing with his lightsaber stick a problem arose, he cut through the puck any time he tried to play with it. So to solve the problem they made special beskar pucks, just for when xheki-wan Kenobi plays. THE POOR GOALIES, that must hurt so bad, pure solid metal and no extra protection. It especially sucks when Xheki-wan Kenobi loads up for a one timer, he is known for his lethal and powerful one timer. Thank you for listening to this edition of Xhek into the xhekaj verse.
  9. 1. Set them up with a good poutine dealer (me) 2. time 3. Honestly the locker room is what's most important to me 4. Absolutely grinding 8. Xhekajs toe nail color, pretty sure its galactic purple (totally not just a theory) 10. its supposed to snow tonight, but its been less then it had been so thats cool. so basically still cold but slightly less so
  10. What a beautiful card, well done kirbithan birbithan
  11. Congrats SMYLS, the world will miss your press conferences, Best of luck as gm. I am sure you will do amazing!
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