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Salvador Gets Graped, Steals Pants


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Former Yukon defenseman Salvador was drafted by the Saskatoon Wild yesterday. As a parting gift from the team, teammate Don Draper took him out for a night on the town for old times sake with Munk and Birdman. Apparently the Graper slipped something in the team's drinks which led to a wild night.  Salvador woke up the next morning covered in... jelly. There was a note on his nightstand that said "you've been graped." but the Graper was nowhere to be found.


In response, it seems that anybody from the S39 Champion Yukon Rush (and BOOM) must go to Walmart in the near future, because Salavador has stolen all their pants.  Why? Because everybody knows that you cannot grape someone if you aren't wearing any pants.  But Graper cannot be found! Evidence states that he has made his way to Finland.  It must be true because I am at my word requirement.

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