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Claimed:Gow III

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Effort: 2/2 - Lighting, text, blending, stock work, effects, coloring, you have enough.


Look: 2/3 - The lighting is off, the text could be better, the sig size is far to big imo but I think all of yours are. I think you are fluctuating while trying new things which is natural, I did the same thing for a long time. Eventually you'll find your style and work into it. Keep at it and don't take my comments too harshly.


Creativity: 1/1 - Yep


Total: 5/6

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Effort: 2/2 - Yep

Look: 2.25/3 - I think the colouring is good, and I definitely think the text fits your style here.  Not crazy about the lighting and it feels a little plain for my liking.  I also am not fond of the size, as I think there is a bit too much empty space here.  

Creativity: 1/1 - Yep


Total: 5.25/6


FINAL: 5/6

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