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Tanguay signs 3 yr ELC with Toronto Legion


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Today, the Toronto Legion signed their S38 3rd round draft pick, Pierre-Luc Tanguay to a three year entry level contract.   While there was not much buzz around Tanguay during the draft, he has quickly made himself known through his play in the CHL, and he is now ready for the big leagues (or at least the VHLM)


For those of you unfamiliar with Tanguay, he is a French Canadian defenseman who plays a very physical game.  He is known for his stellar positioning, great speed, and monstrous hitting.  Even with his defensive build, he still scored 48 points with his team, always seeming to find that perfect pass.


For all those Legionaires who want to know a little more about Tanguay and his off-ice habits, he is an avid graphic designer.  We have acquired a few of his pieces:







I know the Legion is happy to have him, the league is happy to have him, and we will see what he can do.

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