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The skates are sharpened, sticks newly-taped, playoff beards shaved, and the eating regime back to salmon over salty snacks. A new season is upon us! We check in with sophomore VHLM and VHL prospect Damien Salducci, who has begun season 78 with 2 new teams in his life with a trade that sent him from Miami and across the country to San Diego with the Marlins.


Let’s begin with the draft. You were slated to be a pick in the teens, and then it got very close to seeing you become a high 2nd round pick. Can you share what that felt like? Were you at all disappointed?

I am not gonna lie, there’s a part of you that wonders if maybe you did something wrong, but my agent and especially my parents have told me a lot beforehand that what matters is being picked and just getting into the league. I could have been a second or third round pick, what’s important is just having that ticket to the show and impressing the team and doing your best at camp and at the VHLM.


Did you think you’d be the pick when the draft got to number 16?

Yea I still held my breath. It was still amazing to be picked by Helsinki. The Titans were one of the teams I talked to ahead of the draft, seemed to have gone really well too. Eager to put that jersey one day, plus Finland seems like an amazing country!


The pre-season to Season 78 saw a flurry of activity in the VHLM. Trades as part of rebuilds, trades as part of a cup run; they were in force. You were one piece of that as Miami moved you to San Diego for a pile of picks. Was there any doubt you would stay a Marauder for season 78?

Well I knew that several Marauders were going to finally join their VHL teams so it wasn’t going to be an exact replica of last year’s lineup, but when my agent called me to say I was shipped to San Diego it did take me by surprise. I was probably too naïve cause I thought I would stay with Miami until I’d get that VHL call.


Was San Diego on your list of places to go?

Well I didn’t choose my destination but I was super pumped to hear it was them. Great locker room, the rebuild by the GM has been awesome, and yea it seemed like a spot where they could let me have a bigger role on the ice.


Four games in and you already have three assists on the board with half as many shots as you had in total last year. Clearly this is going to be a bigger year for you. Have you changed your game now that you’re in the special teams lineup?

Yea that’s the biggest adjustment, probably. Being the newbie last year I spent a little time on the PK line, so I am drawing on that, but the power play work has been my focus with the coaching staff. I want to be as strong as possible for the team on the power play.


We couldn’t talk to a new San Diego implant without asking about their favourite tacos. What are you ordering each time?

[Laughs] Any kind of seafood taco. White fish, fried shrimp, grilled squid, you name it, I am eating it!


Thanks Damien.



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review: excellent post Deee, you did a great job portraying your player, giving a strong sense of his personality and that he seems pretty humble. Good spacing, like the use of bold for the questions being asked of him and just good questions overall. No distracting spelling mistakes and good length responses. In this case I feel there is no need for a picture, I don't feel like it would add anything. 10/10!

Review: Nice job on this media spot mate, you really get a good sense of what your player is like when reading this interview which is nice. It's laid out really well and making use of the bold to make it clear what's interviewer and player is a nice touch. Overall, solid job



Edited by Hoopydog

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