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First week as a VHL player


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Since I do not want to look like a complete dingus in front of my teammates and not max earn my first week I will write about my experience of my first ever VHL week.


As I said earlier I have now experienced my first ever VHL week (hype). Within this first week, I have learned about a ton of new stuff that I did know, the first week with no Jubo or Laine in the front seats, my experience with my new teammates and some other stuff!


First things first. I did not know that there were going to be this many changes while moving up to the VHL, the biggest is of course the practice Facility. I did not know that one day you magically get tired forever and only earn half of your original earnings from practice, but hey I get it. Sometimes you just don't feel the same in practice anymore or just because of new teammates. This brings me to another thing to write about regarding the VHL. Let's say you just earn 1 tpe from the practice facility because you just got new teammates and you do not really sync up with your new teammates at the start, thus you only earn 1 tpe per training session, but after spending 3 or more season with the team you earn more tpe from practice facility rewarding you for staying true to your team instead of jumping from team to team just because you want to be apart of a cup contending team instead of a rebuilding one. This would promote becoming a veteran to a team and which I think makes more sense because I don't really see why you go from 2 to 1 tpe from PF every week after you advance to the majors. Maybe that could be a change in the future but the chance is not big if only I, a Degen publicizes it but if I could get some more famous people to want it then IDK maybe a change👀.


Something else pretty hectic happened too, Jubo and Laine left the front seats of the office and we got in 2 new amazing leaders, Rayzor (GM) and Hatter (AGM) which is very fun, Jubo decided to end his management career here but on the other hand, Laine became the GM of Minnesota which I am very happy for, I feel like he deserves it the most. Another fun thing is that hatter (current AGM) has become my AGM which is very fun because I am aiming to enter the top 3 longest times as an AGM in VHL history sometime, and just Hatter is the person with the longest AGM time, what exactly it is idk but I do know that it will be very hard to beat as several people doubt anyone to break it, but hey everyone doubted me and said I was a lick as the 12th overall VHL pick and now I'm not as much of a lick but less of a lick (Just kidding all hail the AGM king Hatter). On the note of AGMing as Hatter left the AGM spot of Minnesota means that there is another AGM to be picked there which I applied for, it would be very ironic if I started at the same place as Hatter and both of us enter the top 3 longest AGM times ever, will I get the spot? I have a chance but I still think there are some better candidates than me. If I don't get it I will be looking very much forward to the third League added (VHLE) as Västerås will most likely be back and it would be very awesome to become the AGM there but it is in S80 so there is still a ton of time for me to get some AGMing experience in the VHLM first which would undoubtedly make me more likely to get that spot.


I do easily have the most interesting career that I know, there have been tons of stuff happening where ever I am, if anyone wants stuff to happen in their team/anything you can hmu on discord or anywhere you know me.

Mexico - Cup (yes they only won because I was there not because they were amazing)

Mississauga - Founders cup finals (yet again only because I was there,    

VHL draft - people wondering why I was picked 12th (honestly Idk why either)

S78 season start - VHLE expansion (only because they didn't want me to dominate the VHL😈)

S77 offseason - HSK GM and AGM change (Jubo and Laine couldn't handle this good of a prospect, no I'm kidding, they were amazing and I miss them so much)

As you can see a ton of major stuff has happened during my career and I can't wait for more stuff to happen, I am hoping I don't make major stuff switching a regular thing so I get bored when stuff doesn't happen but what a first-gen player has had stuff happen around him


Moving up to the VHL with the titans has been a blast so far! I've got to know a ton of more people and those I already knew I have gotten to know better, right now the Titans are strolling, 2nd in the League with 1 game in hand, I myself have not produced many points yet as I am literally the lowest TPA dude on the team, I can wait until next or even the one after next when I have established myself in the VHL and can prove the doubters wrong when they said that I was a lick after the VHL draft, maybe even I can put my second ring on my hand but it doesn't really matter, the only thing we could improve upon in Helsinki right now are the defenders as those are our lowest points right now, we have an awesome defense other than that, seriously I Luv those duds, but if we could bring in another defender we could be rated really high to win it all which would be sick but I do not really care about winning the cup right now, for now, I just want to enjoy myself in the VHL.


Claiming for week 5/23 and 5/30 and 1052 words.

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Hey vat. The practice facility thing has been on my mind as well for a long time, I don't see why it has to disappear in the VHL. Looking at you commissioners. Only thing I noticed was that I don't think you'll ever play in the VHLE as I'm pretty sure the first season for it is in S80 and you're already at 357 TPE. Sorry to hear about how the GM change affected you, hope it doesn't discourage you too much. 10/10 article.

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Oh hard agree on the beginning topic. That doesn't make much sense to me as well and should be something that gets looked at. I'm not aware of the whole VHL experience as I'm still in the minors but I also don't understand that. Anyway your article is very well thought of and written. I thoroughly enjoyed reading it and it was well worth my time. Great job and keep it up! 10/10

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Yeah the practice facility reducing itself upon entering the VHL is dumb. They should've kept it consistent all the way through your career. Your media spot brings up a good point and talks a little bit about what was going on on in Helsinki over the offseason. The article was hard to read at times as I had to re-read certain sentences for it to make sense. I give you 9/10, took off 1 point because of words spent talking about AGMs, as nobody cares for AGMS 🙃

Edited by Seabass
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