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One week in


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I've been around for about a week now, and so far, so good. Sting Chameleon seems to be doing pretty well for himself with ten points and a -14 rating through 15 games. He's holding his own defensively as well, although the Marauders aren't very good and I was mostly just looking for some top-pair playing time.


The site itself seems more or less the same as it has since the last time I was around a couple years ago, even without jumping into Discord. I'll admit that I'm not looking very hard ... I won't ever be as interested as I was during the ... um ... Twenties, I guess? Have y'all started referring to groups of seasons like decades yet?


Anyways, it's nice to see how far this league has come from a technology standpoint. I remember about 10-12 years ago trying to make an all-time stats catalog MANUALLY through Excel (I didn't know how to use Excel beyond basic formulas), and now we have a whole damn portal, to say nothing about the growth of the community to the extent that a third league is being implemented.


I have no idea how long I'll be around this time...I usually make good headway with the first guy I create before trying to go all-out on a second guy and becoming despondent when I'm nowhere near the top of the draft order because I don't recruit and nobody who joined after about 2013 knows me, but I'm here for now. Someone make me a sig plz and thank you.

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