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Lloyd Light at 82 TPE, not 72


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On the 27th of July in the year 2014, at approximately 11:35 post meridiem of the Central Daylight Time zone, Kendrick, updater of European VHLM players and owner of frescoelmo, informed Season 40 draftee Lloyd Light, a defenseman playing for the Oslo Storm, that he was at 82 TPE as opposed to the 72 that Light claimed to be at, a ten point TPE differential that Light had noticed when Kendrick performed the prior update but forgot about when he later posted the infamous update that brought him to 82 TPE as opposed to the 72 that Light claimed to be at, originally posted on the 22nd of July in the year 2014, at approximately 7:45 post meridiem of the Central Daylight Time zone and later edited on the 27th of July in the year 2014, at approximately 8:58 post meridiem of the Central Daylight Time zone, including 10 TPE for his recent lottery win in the 200th edition of the VHL Magazine as a Pension claim of five TPE, one more than the basic four that he would be getting if not for the store purchase of "Welfare Upgrade" that he purchased, for the week of the 21st of July to the 27th of July of the year 2014.

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