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The twelfth chapter of Baby Bob's life (end of the season)

Baby Boomer

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Hello everyone,


Welcome to the twelfth chapter of Baby Bob's life story. In this life story we will talk about the life of Baby, when he was young, his thoughts and his impressions before the drafts, during the seasons and during the playoffs. Baby Bob will also respond to questions from the fans, from the GMs and from the leaders of the VHL and the VHLM. The regular season just ended in the VHL and the VHLM. It is now playoffs time and we will talk about what could happen during the playoffs and how the end of the season went for the Mississauga Hounds and Baby Bob.


As expected, the Mississauga Hounds continued to dominate the league in the second half of the season to help them finish first in the entire league and at the same time win their second Prime Minister’s Cup in the last three years. They finished the season with a record of 56 wins, 12 losses and 4 overtime losses, for a total of 116 points in 72 games. The Saskatoon Wild, the Miami Marauders and the Mexico City Kings finished second, third and fourth in the league with 105, 103 and 103 points.


We managed to join Baby Bob and asked him about how he thinks the team will do in the postseason.


« We obviously played very great in the season and I think that the standings talk by themselves. I also strongly believe that we will win the Founder’s Cup, but I know that it will not be without giving a lot of effort. Our first opponents are the San Diego Marlins and they were last in the league around the middle of the season and they managed to make the playoffs, so this is not a team to underestimate. We will have to play each game of the playoffs as if it was game seven of the Founder’s Cup Final. »


Halfway through the season, Baby Bob was at 50 points in 34 games which was very good. Now that the season is over we can see how good he did. In 72 games, he has 30 goals and 67 assists for a total of 97 points and is the third player with the most points on the team. With his 67 assists, he is second in the team and tied at tenth in the entire league. Baby is also +56 in the plus/minus category, which places him tied at seven in the league. 


Now that Baby Bob’s journey in the VHLM is coming to an end, we will look at how he did during his passage with his only team in the VHLM, the Mississauga Hounds. In the regular season, Baby is the fifth player of all time with the most points, with 172 points in 144 games. He is sixth in goals, fifth in assists and also fifth for the number of shots with 613 and an average of 4,3 shots/games.


Thanks for reading and see you next week for more of the life story of Baby Bob.

513 words

23 - 29 august

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