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What will Idaho do after his career is done? 


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What will Idaho do after his career is done? 


Disclaimer: this article contains spoilers of the Dune/Dune Messiah/Children of Dune/God Emperor of Dune books. If you still want to read these, skip this PT.


We all know how Idaho will meet his end after the VHL is done, after killing 19 Sardaukar when House Atreides is attacked. After all, this is Idaho's number in Moscow. The 20th he faced killed Idaho with a blow to the head. His death was not in vain, as by doing this he did what he has done his entire life, he protected his protege Paul Atreides, who would continue to become the Duke of House Atreides. 


But his story does not end here, as the Bene Tleilax have technology which they use to be able to use DNA of a person, to bring them to live as a ghola (which is basicaly a clone). This clone was gifted to Paul, while Idaho's memory will be wiped and he has been given the name Hayt, Paul does recognize his former companion. What Paul did not realize is that this Idaho ghola was programmed to kill him, even if Idaho didn't want this. Luckily due to him remembering his past, this was stopped and Idaho continued to be next to Paul's side


In this life, Idaho outlived Paul and eventually meet his end to make sure the children of Paul would survive. Once again he has given his life to House Atreides. What happened you wonder? After Paul's death, his sister Alia got control of the children, but she was possessed by the memory of her ancestor and enemy of House Atreides, Baron Vladimir Harkonnen. Idaho who was married to Alia at this point, recognized the evil and tried to join the Fremen and bring the kids to them. He was killed by the Fremen after he insulted them (and he knew this would happen), but it brought the Fremen in direct confrontation with Alia, and they would make sure the kids remained safe.


Paul's son continued on the path that Paul started but never could or wanted to finish. Leto II (named after Paul's father) would rule as part human party sandworm (which the planet dune was famous for), while he continued the golden path. Leto II made sure he had an Idaho ghola by his side during his endless reign of over 3500 years. Every time a ghola died, he would just order a new one and have him serve as his swordmaster at all times. Idaho represented loyalty and this caused Leto II's followers to fully trust him. As his father, Leto II was also known for his prescience, but Leto II's version took it further as he had all memories of his ancestors as well, as both Leto and Paul had loved Duncan, this made Leto II feel the same thing about Duncan. Leto II ruled with tyranny and if one of his Duncan Ghola's would say something wrong, he would just kill them off again. Over the long period of time, only 19 ghola's died of natural causes, the rest of the deaths all happened by the God Emperor himself (who ended up just ordering a new one).


While Duncan currently still plays for the Moscow Menace, he knows all of this will happen due to Paul his prescience, knowing what will happen and he told Duncan all about this so he could finish his theme week task.

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