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arnani calamari

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This is your best that I've seen. You have a good vase to work with. The jersey change is well executed. The placement of the text and logo are a bit random, my eyes aren't sure where to look. The blending needs some work as you put a stock over the bg but the render is sitting on top. Also covering up the text is a nice idea but gotta make sure it's mostly all legible. Overall 7/10 keep it up.

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Looking at this I can see you put some effort into this project. The background texture really works with the logo and text. The main issue I have is your that your focus should be on the render and everything should compliment that main focal point. This example almost does the complete opposite. Your render has no connection with the background. You want the proper effects/ blends to make your render looks sharp, detailed and the star of the show. Formatting is important. I would look up the "Rule of Thirds" and try to follow those guidelines to get an idea about element placement. I like the effort.


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Review: Nice and simple idea here. Text could've been made to stand out a bit more, make it pop out with stronger colors, I'm also not a fan of the text cover up. I enjoy the faded logo on the top right though, and the player cut out is pretty decent. While the background compliments the graphic. 8/10 

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