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A little update on me

Matt thunder

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Hey guys, It is me, matt, it has been a long time sicne I wrote a media spot, school really kept me busy and other problems for sure didn't help me, but hey, I am still here, I am still standing.


Today I wanted to talk a little bit about myself, a lot of things happened in the vhl and I didn't tell you guys anything, where should I start? Oh yeah, I got an AGM job, I am the AGM of Ottawa.

I know what you are thinking, "FINALLY" or "who was so dumb to give him a job?" or just "Finally he will stop applying to anything that exists", but I really do not care much about it, I accomplished my dream, I am finally an AGM after such a long time and I couldn't be more happy.


So, how is everything going there in Ottawa?

Everything is going great, I love the team, I love the players, The GM there is one of the best users that I have met in the vhl, we have a bright future and for sure everything there is getting me a lot of experience that will for sure be important in my future as I aim to become a GM. ( I do not care about the league, I just want to become a gm and bring the club that I menage  to  glory, like how my GM is doing right now with Ottawa).

Still talking about the team and mostly about the players that are in there, I couldn't be more proud to be their AGM, these guys have a lot of potential, love to play hockey and socialise with other players in the lockeroom,  and let me tell you something, they will destroy the VHL once they get there, you will hear about how they will win every single price or trophy and beat every record possible or even create some new records.


If you haven't noticed I am a lot happy to be there, but now let's talk about the "hot topic". (you guys were waiting for this I think)

Will Ottawa win the VHLM?

As I am writing this, Ottawa is currently winning the semi finals against Minnesota 2-0 a good start, let's not lie, but Minnesota can still come back into the series and send us home.

Meanwhile Yukon is also in our same situation winning the semi finals round 2-0 against Halifax.

So, who will pass and who will win?

I will not lie here, as I am the AGM of Ottawa, I will say that Ottawa will pass, and same thing will happen with Yukon, as they are both off to a good start.

who will win? Nice question, they are both good teams and they both play a good hockey, and during the regualr season they both had similars results nad when they were playing against each other no other team was coming in top of the other, winng most of the time with a close result, maybe a 1-2 goal difference, so, only time will tell us who will win.

One thing is sure, we will see some really good hockey and only god knows how much we, hockey fans, love to see that.


547 words I am not wrong.


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Glad to see you back writing media spots! Congrats on getting the aGM position in Ottawa. Ottawa was my first stop in the league (way back when in 2011ish) and I've GM'd them at least 2 times, so they always hold a special place in my heart. Glad to see that they seem to be in good hands. Hopefully the Lynx can win the Founder's Cup this year! Overall, this was a solid article about your new job as Ottawa AGM.



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