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Why I Hate All Humans


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...or, alternatively, why GMing would be right up my alley and Davos might be a perennial favorite if everyone acted like a robot.


There's this concept in my field of study called steady state. If you've taken your share of chemistry, you may know what it is. Let's say you've got a bucket with a hole in the bottom of it. You've got a hose and you're pouring it straight into the bucket--but there's also the same amount of water coming out of the bottom of the bucket. That bucket is a system at steady state, where the input equals the output and the amount of water in the bucket at any given time is constant.


And let's further assume that everyone drafted in the first round earns at one rate, everyone in the second earns at another, and so on. Further, it would be possible to know ahead of time how long each player will stay with their team. IF people weren't people, it would be possible to perfectly mathematically model a VHL team, and once a team gets into good territory, keep them at that steady state forever.


That said, people are people. People go inactive, people leave after their rookie contracts, people earn and exist as they please. And so, while there are examples of exceptionally managed teams in recent memory that have been able to escape rebuilding for prolonged periods of time, it's impossible to accurately model the performance of a team. And, consequently, I remain a shit GM.


Have a nice week!

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Gming ain't black and white it's shades of grey. Alot of little things to look out for, which can make it more similar to black and white. Just got to know how to look for it.

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