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It’s the offseason. This coming week is going to be crazy. In regards to the VHLM, two new GMs will be hired within the next few days. Two new teams were introduced to the VHLE—did I say new—I didn’t mean that. They are not new, rather relocated teams. The Storm and Rush are moving to the E from the M. Speaking of the VHL, there have been four recent GM hirings and lots of trades today, including two for Prague. 

I honestly can’t wait for the drafts to see where everyone goes on the Marlins. It will be interesting for sure. I really hope the players achieve what they want to achieve and that they enjoyed their stint here. That’s all I want. I’m greatly anticipating next season here in the M and looking forward to winning more games for the players. We have a big draft coming up. 

Two new GMs will be hired in the M as a result of the positions left open by Sam in Halifax and BarzalGoat in Saskatoon, who both were promoted to the E. There are some good candidates for these jobs and it’ll be interesting to find out who is hired, although I already have an idea of who it will be. 

The Minnesota Storm and Yukon Rush will be moving to Oslo and some place, respectively, to compete in the VHLE. Laine and Sam will be GMing these teams. Congrats to them on this accomplishment! The M will feel so different with 4 GMs total leaving :( 

As for the big league, Vancouver, LA, Malmo and Prague were given new GMs (Nykonax, Rory, Domg and Acydburn). Nykonax did awesome as interim GM this season, winning the Cup, so that wasn’t much of a surprise at all. Rory has been AGM in LA after GMing for Halifax, so he’s definitely qualified. Domg did a terrific job with Yukon these past two seasons and had a great LR. Acyd has been a commish in the M and now in the E since I’ve been here and was also GM for Ottawa I believe so well deserved too. 

Trading is picking up, with two today for the Phantoms. Venus Thightrap was sent to Seattle for a draft pick while Asher Reinhart was acquired from Toronto for two picks, Otto Numminen and Guy Lambert. We’ll see how these trades pan out, obviously Reinhart is a big addition. I just hope STHS likes us this season lol.


Nathan Powers, my player, has yet to truly break out. If I can improve this season for the team it would obviously be nice. You never know how many chances you’ll get to contend for a cup. I want to make sure I’m doing my part at least. We could definitely be good this season but who knows. It’s all unknown until we get going. 

That’s my ramble for this week. I’m glad to get back into this after some time off from it. Congrats to all the new GMs, and good luck (except for those who I’m competing against as a player and GM of course haha).  

Word Count: 518

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