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Your design is solid and I know you don't pump out a lot of graphics so that makes this even better. I like the render, though could be placed either more center of to the right. Also could be larger as you have a very tall canvas. I like how you got rid of the NHL logos but missed the helmet. Your logo swap is just off a tad as it is on the white strip on the jersey. Maybe that big orange cloud is serving a purpose. Overall it's good to see you make something. Keep up the fine work.


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1 hour ago, Steve said:


Your design is solid and I know you don't pump out a lot of graphics so that makes this even better. I like the render, though could be placed either more center of to the right. Also could be larger as you have a very tall canvas. I like how you got rid of the NHL logos but missed the helmet. Your logo swap is just off a tad as it is on the white strip on the jersey. Maybe that big orange cloud is serving a purpose. Overall it's good to see you make something. Keep up the fine work.


this was made during a speedrun and took about 4 minutes lol

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Ok, so I think that you had a great plan to make a masterpiece, and you did very well considering you made it in 4 minutes.  And honestly it doesn't look half bad, flames covering the logo swap was creative but tbh I really like that placement of the "L" if that could definitely be improved on.  Overall i think it could have been sick if you made it seriously.  7/10

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Ummm this is not a good piece in my eyes. Feels like a very quick job, something that you did just to do it. Although I know that not everyone deals with graphics and the skill levels are different, I hope that you're not trying to claim 6TP with this, because it's not worth that much compared to some other people graphics. I would love to give you more feedback and how to improve, but sadly I have no clue where to start, because all I see here is render, background, text and explosion I guess? Try to work on blending these components together more naturally.


Rating: 4/10

Edited by Mr Bohannan
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