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Legion banner


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Review: Great banner, it is not too flashy and it encapsulates the beauty of the city while also amplifying the beauty and symmetry of the logo itself. The long Legion logo is perfect for this fairly long banner and the long sky view of the city. The colour gives it a great feeling of being sky high, which matches the bird of the Legion logo. The best part about the skyline picture you chose is that it shows so much sky, which also gives this feeling of a sky or flying theme. Love the banner, I don't really have much to add but also don't have anything to criticize. It's really nice.



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On 11/30/2021 at 5:44 PM, Underclass_Hero said:


I really just love how clean the Toronto logo is. Which makes me slightly biased towards liking just about anything with that logo in it. I also like clean graphics, but this is a bit too minimalist. It would need something more to create slightly more contrast between the logo and the background. Or alternatively just something to make the background pop a bit more. Which I know is a useless word to use to review something, as it literally doesn't mean anything. But this is one of those situations where I look at it and just feel like something is missing. But I have a hard time saying what it is. I had the same issue when I was making the (admittedly pretty lazy) banner for my profile with the Miami skyline. My solution was to copy the original base layer without the gradient map and set it to some blending mode (think either Overlay or Modify) to bring in the contrast of the highlights and the shadows again. That being said I wasn't particularly happy with my results. But it did at least bring back some contrast. So can't really give you what I'd consider a good solution. Because I don't know it.😅


Overall though I give it a 8/10 mostly because I like cleaner graphics and the Toronto logo. But hey I get to be biased if I feel like it!

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