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King Hogan


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2 hours ago, Hogan said:


Review: I mean Hulk Hogan is in it which makes it comedy gold, so that's always a plus. If you then add in a psychedelic background on top of that. It's only going to be better. With that said however, I feel that the render of everyone's favourite handlebar mustache wielder comes across as too dark and slightly too low contrast compared to the relatively intense glow of the background. Now since it's you, I'll assume that there is at least a 50/50 that this was part of speedrunning, which would make literally everything I'm currently writing completely pointless. But assuming that isn't the case. I'd have liked you to color swap the highlights on the general swoleness that is King Hogan so that it too was yellow and actually looked like it was the yellow light from the background reflected on the man, the myth and the legend that is King Hogan.


Score: None, because there is about a solid 95% chance @Spartan will be the updater looking at this review, and he doesn't like scores anyways.

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A lot of yellow haha. I can see that you had the right idea in your head and the render is attempting to blend together with the background and I would say it somehow does a little bit. Like the idea with the biceps and the crown. Text is very simple and bland, so it could use a little bit more work. At least different font.


Review: 6/10

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Very cool little graphic here! Love how the font and the placement of it. It really stands out in my eyes. The cut out is great too, and the background is very nice and goes hand in hand with the graphic. Simple, but fun and clean piece of work! Well done! 8/10

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13 hours ago, FonziGG said:



This picture is quite funny relative to standard VHLM graphics, which is nice and refreshing. The colors work well together, I like there isn't to many colors but I do believe A tad more contrast could help this graphic. I really like the background effects that you managed to put together here. Overall this graphic is different than most previous graphics I have seen, which is very neat. Keep up the fun and interesting graphics. 7/10

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