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Troubled San Diego Star Refuses Rehab!


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After an incident that saw an unnamed Board Game taken into police custody after being caught in a San Diego nightclub bathroom with “Literally all the drugs”, the San Diego Marlins organization which the supposed board game belongs to have joined forces with the local community to convince the star to find the help that he needs with his drug problems. “Like anyone who enters this organization, we treat them as a member of our family” said GM J.B. “And when it comes to family, you want what is best for them and, while they’ve obviously found themselves in a tough situation that they feel like they can’t get out of, we of the San Diego Marlins and our local community want to show them that they are loved and that we can help them through whatever problems they are having.”


However, this did not see the intended results as the suspected board game Trevor Kubiak was insulted at the proposition of rehab as (according to Kubiak) a life-long abstainer of all drugs and alcohol and appears to have negotiated his release from the franchise. We’ll have more on this story when we get it.

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