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review: nice review.

It is really basic but basic do not means bad, becauseyour work is well done and also the logo swap is well done so do not worry, we you master that, most of the time it is downhill from there.

Overall this is nice, and it gets a solid 8 out of a 10, good job mate, keep it up.

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It's a good start! I would certainly love to see you use some layers to make somethings in your image pop. The jersey swap is well done, though work with a dark brush on the logo to make it look like it's a part of the jersey fabric itself. I like to just match the existing creases on the players jersey and continue them over the logo. The issue with using the same color on the text with the jersey is that some parts can be harder to read than others, mitigate this with a dark drop shadow of the text. A great foundation piece! Keep it up! 8/10

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Alrighty, as soon as I saw the threads name I had to go and check out what my fellow countryman has made. Let me start of with saying that looking at the piece, unfortunately, I cannot look at it as a signature as for it to be a signature type of piece it lacks things. What I see it is a jersey swap and for that I can give you rating because it is really not a bad swap to be fair. Of course the main team logo could have been blended in with the jersey better to not feel it's that obvious of a sawp, but that's about it for me. If we try to look at it as a signature then I would suggest you to work on your font choice, because for now I dont think they are the best ones. Also, not sure is it beginners thing or something, but I would use stroke in rare situations.

Rating: 7/10 for the swap

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