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random quote #68


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So uhmm...I managed to write some 500 words without much problems. Prime Hedge coming back? Nah, I'm still gonna go afk in summer so enjoy while you can. 


Uhmm I have nothing much to talk about. Sirkants almost reached 800 TPA somehow. I'm not even sure how it happened. Imagine if he actually was over that mark. Ricer would've just stepped down from that fact alone. Calgary does like 3M left in cap so this team might run around with 3 defenseman only. But hey, that was his plan to have bolster the offense rather than other way around. So here it is. 


I guess I do expect something from Calgary. From Sir as well. He may try to have a decent season for once. And the team could actually beat that meta ass team. Cause no matter what their championship run will still be way less impressive than Toronto ever had with their three peat. Even if Couver can repeat that feat. So is there any reason to try? No. They can go ahead and bow down to us instead. 


By the way, Spartan is out there hyping himself up for the next week. Wondering if I will continue this series after this week. 🤔


That's it and I'm out. 

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