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Robot Enters VHL League


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News of the first artificially intelligent being to play a professional sport has been streaking across the news pages today, as AIM-11, or Artificial Ice Machine-11, created at a University in China, finally passed the last of it's benchmarks needed to be allowed access to the VHLM.


There had been much controvery over the decision as human players found the idea of competing against a machine to be, at first, distasteful, but eventually downright offensive and frightening.


The National University of Defense Technology in China, has been working closely with league officials and commented today on the landmark deal to see the intelligent machine enter the league.


"We are very happy to see AIM-11 take the next steps into full human-machine sport integration.  This is a monumental day that we hope will be the start of something incredible."


VHLM media got their first chance to speak directly with AIM-11 and he replied, with great enthusiasm.  "AIM-11 shall be victorious.  AIM-11 shall be victorious," before rolling away to go get a lube job from his robotic girlfriend SALLY.



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1. Its chinese, and my chinese brothers build cheap crap.. Its the Japanese that have cool robot technology.

2. One hit from Tyler Cote and the robot will need a new operating system :)

3. Robots will either be crushed or they will kill a human in the type of physicallity required.

Haha good luck and interesting concept :)

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