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  • So, let's talk about The Meta. This has been at the top of everyone's mind over the past season or two. I know saying "it's being worked on" in the BOG is only a satisfactory answer for so long, but I can really say that thanks to the dedicated work of a few BoG members and Blue Team, things really have started to move on this in the past week or two. The fine details are still being ironed out, but I'm extremely hopeful that something will be put together to implement next season. 
  • Let's talk about real life balance and VHL life. One of the things @Peacetouched on in his stepping down post is not having the patience to deal with VHL related drama/people given real life circumstances. I don't know their real life circumstances (nor do I need to know, it's not my business) but I can 100% back up what they're saying. The prime reason I stepped down from being commissioner way back when and why I stay out of the day to day running of league related things is I can't believe the handholding and immaturity of some members of this site. I'm not calling out anyone specifically (especially since my Blue Team days were way back in the day with a different member base), but given my "advancement" in real life, I just could not be bothered dealing with VHL related drama. Not trying to put words in Pearce's mouth, but I think that's the overall jist they were getting at.
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You're partially right, but it's more thorough than handholding and immaturity. Some days it was the leagues inability to forgive someone who hurt or wronged you, instead grudges are kept and mistakes are remembered as deterrents; some days it's the inability to be thoughtful or understanding, instead replaced by personal agendas and fragmented integrity; some days it's the inability of conflict resolution, replaced by blacklisting and avoidance; some days it's the meme culture, or perhaps the very real ostracism that happens at various levels on the forum; and other days it's watching a known exploit be exploited; and more! 

I am both a culprit and victim to the above, I have done what eats away at me.

Kinda all binds together and makes the atmosphere here feel really toxic. I said this in another thread, but I didn't realize that until I had posted my resignation. 

Edited by Peace

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