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No 1500 TPE Right winger? WTF?


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So while typing up my 1500 TPE player dream it occurred to me, "is there a player in every position at or above 1500 TPE?" With 26 total players above that mark currently I thought surely there is, but as I went through each player I didn't see any, and then I double checked to make sure I wasn't misreading, nope I sure wasn't. All 1500 plus TPE forwards are centers or left wingers. I have to say I was shocked by this, you'd think that someone would have had a right winger that was a mad TPE earner but apparently not. So it forced me break my rule and choose a player who isn't currently over that mark. So someone could make history with the first 1500 TPE right winger and there is one guy pretty close, Justin Lose, user: youloser1337 is at 1409 TPE and at the time of typing is the second highest active TPE player. A S75 draftee it's highly unlikely but I think still possible? I know he's gotta retire after this season though so if he doesn't make it someone else can start that grind, maybe I will with my next player? Of course that will be some time, still got like 4 seasons left with Ori to go. This was just something I wanted to put out there, while I'm not sure who was the first center, left winger, d-man or goalie to hit 1500 TPE we'll sure know who was the first right winger to do so. I'd write about it for sure. (And for what I said earlier, I mean I can take a guess as to who was the first 1500 TPE player in certain positions but I won't know for sure without proof of it) Anyway, I'm done talking my head off, been typing for like 4 hours.


(word count 309)

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Yeah, usually RW is the superstar position. Not LW, at least IRL. So that's a bit of an odd thing. RW seems more popular a pick at least, so maybe that's what is its downfall? It's the "easy pick", so the people who feel like they have something to prove favor anything but RW, leading to no 1500+ RWs? That's the only explanation I can think of off the top of my head at least.🤷‍♂️

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