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The End is Near


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Twenty games left and Seattle is starting to click a bit better. It's been a typical feeling out season with so many younger players. I think we are headed in a good direction as a team. Time to make a push going into the playoffs. I believe we have a good shot at making in but there are a lot of good teams we need to beat to be successful. I believe in the team and Bana. We will do this.


I couldn't be happier with Max. Although he was never intended to be a leader board princess, he is doing better than I expected in his rookie season. He seems responsible in his own end and has scored a few times. I hope to build on that and have him play a bigger role in the next season or two. Lucky he plays with some real talent or his play might be a different story. We are all good though. Team wins together and loses together. A great locker room with awesome team mates. We are bound to have success and reach the ultimate goal of winning a cup. When that happens has yet to be determined, but it will happen.

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