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The End is even nearer


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Here we go. Last few days of the season and every team in contention for the playoffs are working hard to try and make the show. Seattle has done an exceptional job at using it's limited resources to it the limit. A very flexible team that can adjust on the fly. With a few recent winning streaks, Seattle feels good going into the playoffs. It's been a lot of fun playing on this team. We had a horrible start of the season that would put doubt in many players minds about where the team would be headed as the season continued. Not the Bears. It's the beauty of having been there done that to have the knowledge to make the right corrections for success. Win or lose, I know the best strategy was used. Nobody wants to lose, but that makes winning so much more important and special. We have walked that line and we can say we played an honest game throughout the season.


On to Max. He has play way above my expectations in his rookie season. His numbers are not amazing to most, but to me, very impressive. As he builds his legacy in the next several seasons, I expect Max to have a very successful career with a few cups on his resume. GO SEATTLE!!!

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