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VHL - The Hidden Gem to Social Media


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Who knew?  Certainly not me when I was talked into joining the VHL.  I think it was about a month of listening to Scurvy talk about how many hits he got or if he scored a goal, got an assist, or what was happening to his player.  Every day I listened to him mention something about the VHL.  He gave me the website address;  I looked at it  and chickened out.  There’s no way I can get on line for something like this.  It looks too confusing.  Finally, though, when Scurvy was bragging about all the fights he got in the World Juniors, or something like that, I decided to take the big plunge and sign up.  


So, I am signed up and its a few days before the big draft into the VHLM.  “Don’t worry, you’ll get drafted,” Scurvy told me, even though I hadn’t done a thing other than sign up.  Then I have to get on this thing called Discord along with the VHL Portal.  “You need to build your player,” he tells me.  With one day left to the end of the week and start of the draft, I get the advice to click welfare and practice.  Woo hoo, I just improved.  I’m sure to get drafted now!  Later on draft day, i get a text from Scurvy, “The draft is on Twitch, you gotta sign up for Twitch.”  Prior to this I thought twitch was that involuntary movement my wife makes when she’s about to yell at me.  Anyway, I sign up and impatiently wait for the draft to take place.  Apparently there was a snafu and every pick was a first round pick, but that didn’t matter to me.  I just wanted to hear that Jake Thunder was drafted.  Well, I waited and waited, round after round, and finally had to shut Twitch down because I needed to get my workout in.  An hour and fifteen minutes later, I turned Twitch back on to find the draft had ended.  I wasn’t drafted.  I was totally bummed.  That was until I received an offer.  Apparently I was a free agent.  Awesome.  I’m now on a team.  Scurvy was right, sort of.  I would get on a team.  Thus the start of my VHLM career, and my social media career on Discord, VHL Portal, Twitch, Anchor, and whatever else to come.  


It’s an obsession now.  Every day I get on Discord, check things out.  I’m on the portal multiple times a day, looking at teams, rosters, TPE, drafts, etc.  Every spare moment looking at articles and such.  Trying to get TPE also.  This beats Facebook, Instagram, Tweeter, LinkedIn.  Everything.  Whoever thought of this is a genius!!


Now, to tonight.  I am probably not going to be able to sleep because the draft is tomorrow.  At least that is what I have heard.  I will spend the day eager to get to the time of the draft and anxious of being drafted.  And I get to go through it again on Thursday with the VHLE draft.  Oh man, I can’t wait.  Now you might say “Get a life!!”  Well, you’re right.  My new addiction and I’m going to do this VHL thing for as long as its an active thing.  As far as the wife goes, she has her kindle!  

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You've come really far. Now you just have to get drafted higher than @Scurvy to rub it in his face a bit. Though really you shouldn't, as he's been a pretty big part in you getting to this point. But following the back and forth with you guys in articles has been a lot of fun this season. So keep up the good work, both of you.

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