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Ring of Fire

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Rockstar, you are a God among graphic designers. If ANYONE wants to learn how to do graphics, copy what this guy does. The first thing is that you are instantly taken to the player, looking out onto the empty right side of the graphic. This also brings your attention to the text on the right side. The ONLY criticism that I have is that the logo swap on the middle looks a bit wonky; I think the left edge needs to be bent backward to follow the jersey's contour. Otherwise, purple is a very intense color that sheds away the complimentary background. 9/10.


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Sick graphic! The colors really electrify the graphic and make it pop and catch the eye. the color contrast of the writing is very good, and font size and positioning are in great spots. The logo on the jersey is in a little awkward spot but besides that theres nothing else wrong. The dark background really helps the bright purple stand out. The ring or fire effect is a really good addition that centers the attention to the player name and player in the middle. Overall it is very sleek and pops to the eye, I am a huge fan of it. 9/10

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