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With the Yukon Rush out of the playoffs and the season dwindling down to the last 6 games of the year, Sachimo Zoidberg has very little to worry about now besides keeping strong in his hunt to be a top draft pick into the VHL. We asked him what the biggest factor in his success this season was.


"I have to think it was GM Gow. He took a chance on me with a free agent signing, and that was a big boost to me to prove I was worth the time and effort it took to sign me. He's been really supportive and helpful as I found my legs in the league and I don't think I'll ever really be able to repay him for what he's done for me in terms of having someone to turn to when I was lost or confused, or for the blind encouragement he always threw at all of us. No matter where we stood in the standings or how badly we lost, he was always a realist but an optimist. He knew we wouldn't make the playoffs with the team we had, but he would always praise us on the things we did well.


The fact that he took a chance on me so early in my career, and with so few games under my belt, and played me on the first line and gave me special teams time was a huge help in my development and success so far. When someone gives you a chance like that, it makes you want to take it and run with it, and I hope he thinks I've done that so far this year. I'm saddened that I won't get to play for him again next season, but I know I'll never forget my season that started my career here, and if I ever reach the HOF he'll be first on my list to thank."


A great man indeed, Austin Gow is a GM who deserves a good look at a bigger position in the VHL as he is a shrewd negotiator and great influence on his players.

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