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Potpourri of Thunder Thoughts


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This part of the TPE earning process always seems to be the hardest.  Completing the press conference as soon as its available, getting the trivia answers correct can sometimes take a bit of work, and the 6 TPE article is always a work in process in my brain so sometimes gets done early.  Now with, 2 tpe remaining, I gotta project some points that will be constructive, relative, hopefully with some humor, lightheartedness, and somewhat enjoyable to the reader.  Sitting here typing leads me to the first topic.  The start of the new season.


Maybe I need a life!  All I could think about from the end of my first season was the start of the next season.  How cool is this stuff?  Well, it is a heck of a lot of fun to be getting ready for the draft, joining pro-am, responding to interviews, and tracking progress.  Then the new hybrid comes into play and adds to all the hype.  I have found all this fascinating and give kudos to all you people who are doing things behind the scenes to make this a success.  This has to be a lot of work.  It’s all so new to me, but doesn’t seem to be foreign to most people on this site.  Maybe I just lived a sheltered life!


Now that the draft is over, and I am on my new teams, I am looking forward to what this brings.  Two new discord groups to look at and to get to know a whole set of new people on the site, although I still haven’t figured out if its ok to get involved on the vhl team channel or stick with just the vhle channel, because I haven’t earned my place yet in the VHL.  It doesn’t matter, its all a lot of fun.  Probably one of the coolest things I discovered while chatting on discord, is this sport call disc golf.  I never knew there was so much to it and all this complex decision making with which frisbee, I mean puck, I mean disc, to use all depending on the type of shot, the obstacles, the distance, the terrain, and the wind.  At least I got some really good advice from a new teammate, start out slow and only use the putter.  


Now, I could never end an article without bringing up Brian Payne, the Payne Train as he likes to be called.  I was so looking forward to playing against him in season 83, so I could get some bragging rights when I kicked his ass, but he’s moved up to the VHL and I’m going to get better in the E.  So, listen up Payne Train…. You have one more season before your knees are going to tremble when the Dynamo take on your Predators.  Enjoy it while you can, cuz I’m bringing Thunder!!!  And BoJo, I know you will laugh every time you read the stats when Payne goes down!

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7 hours ago, Thunder said:

although I still haven’t figured out if its ok to get involved on the vhl team channel or stick with just the vhle channel, because I haven’t earned my place yet in the VHL

The more the merrier, just be active and be you wherever you are. For almost the entire time I was active and talking to you in Vegas, I wasn't even on the team at all. Same goes for the Moscow LR, which is probably where I'm the most active on a lot of days. I'm neither affiliated with Moscow in any way, nor has my player played a single game in the VHL yet. I know a lot of members have similar feelings though, focusing only on the LR of the team that currently rosters them. Sometimes just because one LR is more than enough to keep up with, sometimes because they too don't feel like they "earned a spot" yet. But really the more people are active in a LR the merrier, so if it's the latter holding you back, don't let it.

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8 hours ago, Thunder said:

although I still haven’t figured out if its ok to get involved on the vhl team channel or stick with just the vhle channel, because I haven’t earned my place yet in the VHL.  

In the same direction as Shindigs comments: If you get the invitation, you are welcome... once I had been drafted to Calgary, I showed up in the Wranglers discord and started flaming @Ricer13 about his beloved Canucks (unfortunately, they sacked the upper echelon and got better so this leg-pulling-source dried up), Discussing with @vat why I hate Rögle and why he hates my club (long story it has to do with the CHL and hiring players of each other)... I had not been muted, to the contrary I got an award for being so intrusive... 


see here: https://vhlforum.com/topic/115475-calgary-wranglers-season-81-awards/



TLDR: get to know your future team mates asap (even if they are not there anymore once you make the big show, you never know who ends up GM of a franchise you want to desperately be a part of)...

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