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Talk about the future of the E draft regarding VHLM skippers, brief touch on preseason and a little rant about a group of affiliate claims I saw that I didn’t like!

Edited by MubbleFubbles

I just learned other affiliate leagues (or at least the SBA I think?) require a monthly 150 word article just for the free 1 TPE Affiliate claim or whatever. Perhaps we should require something similar for the auto-12s? :idk:


"Moving the E draft"


That actually makes a fair amount of sense, since it would cut down on the confusion. A lot of 1st gens have no idea what the difference between the L and E is, and getting drafted to both is pretty confusing. As well as all the intricacies of eligibility etc.


It took me a fair amount of time before I personally knew what the difference between the two leagues actually was, despite being a very active 1st gen in my 1st season. For the longest time I thought it was a choice, do you want to play in the E or the L? Because I saw some mention of a player "declaring for the E", which I assumed worked the same as declaring for NCAA IRL, making it so CHL teams won't even bother drafting you.



"Not the best opponents"


LAs shot totals were a bit memeworthy against us, yet we still somehow lost a game where we won the shots 47-15 so that's always hilarious.



"Back claiming 60 TPE"


👀 Yeah, that seems a bit iffy.

Being on multiple teams at once can be hectic and stressful for sure. It also sort of feels like you're half-in/half-out with each of them. I'd much prefer to be all in on a single team at a time if it were possible within the structure of the league.


Affiliate TPE is a bear of an issue to even begin to address. I like that the community gets expanded as a result of the affiliate agreements, and as a person who really enjoys sim leagues, it saves me a lot of time. At the same time, more activity on the forums from those players would obviously be better. Maybe what we need is a secondary motivator to completing tasks here rather than claiming affiliate tasks. Brighter minds than mine might be able to fill in the blanks on that idea, but I feel like the foundation is solid.


Always a pleasure to listen, thanks for the pod!

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