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Affiliate League Stuff


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Affiliate leagues are fun, or at least they can be. It was at some point during last season that I just saw that @MubbleFubbles had claimed an affiliate check, an avenue of earning TPE that I had quite frankly forgotten existed. But seeing as I'm pretty competitive about my TPE earning, I decided that I probably had to get in on that. Originally that was the only purpose of joining the SBA and EFL, to just get an extra 4-6 TPE per season for doing a lot less work than a HOF article (5 TPE) takes. It really is just the matter of writing a single .com in both leagues once every month. At least that was how I was thinking going into it.


Now it's a bit different though, I'll be honest. In the EFL it's still kinda like that. I haven't really gotten into the community or engaged much at all, I don't even think I'm in their actual league discord. I'm just in the LR and checking the box scored to write my sim attendance for the last 3 TPE a week. Which I don't really have to do, I could just earn 9 a week from the VHL claims, but it takes like 2-3 minutes a week to max earn, so why not? However in the SBA I've been having a blast, slightly more last season to be fair as our LR was a bit more active with GP in it than it is this season. But I also just accidentally (with a lot of help from @jhatty8) ended up creating a monster with The Clue Glue Golem that's just putting up points like it's going out of style.


So if you're already doing a 6 PT and a .com in the VHL weekly, I'd suggest heading over to the affiliates too. You can just claim your VHL stuff for 9 TPE and add another like 1-3 minute(s) of work and you're max earning over there too. Then once a month you also get that nice little affiliate check bonus. It's a win/win, really.

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