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Ramblin about the current top 25 players in TPE


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So ya'll know I'm working on that series of players who have passed the big 1500 TPE mark, something that I believe we will see more of with longer careers now, and with more dedicated users it'll go up even faster. Currently 27 players have reached it and we currently have fours players in the 1400 range, three of them from season 77 and one season 76. Three more in the 1300 range, two S77 and one S76. The leader board currently has a lot of S77 players with a few S76 players left, the highest season 78 player is at rank 9 with 1285 TPE, the player is Hard Markinson, user STZ. Battling it out for S79 is Jerome Reinhart and Jonathan Ori, Reinhart is currently ahead at 1051 but Ori is only behind by 3 (After my updates go through I should be back in the lead). In total three S79 players are on the list. What's really remarkable is Xavier Booberry, Ori's teammate in Helsinki. He easily leads the S80 class in TPE, he's the only S80 player on it and is only behind the two previously mentioned S79 players. Taking a bit of a closer look Booberry is currently 71 TPE ahead of second place in his class, 81 ahead of 3rd and 126 ahead of fourth. Again if he was in the S79 class he'd be ranked third already, it's crazy. One final note is that every player on the leader board is above 1000TPE, it ranges from 1549 to 1007!


(word count 256)

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