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Noodles Looks For Pasta


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I wish that my player, Noodles Marconi, would dish up a bit more pasta.  This is translated as, "I wish Noodles was a little more productive."  Currently, after 42 games, he is stagnating with a total of 3 points.  One meatball and 2 strands of spaghetti.  (1G, 2A) He does not get a whole whack of ice time.  It would be nice if he could contribute a bit more to the success of the Istanbul Red Wolves.  This is by no means a complaint in that Noodles is one of the very junior members on a pretty high powered team.  He does continue to progress and should be able to be more of a contributor in the future.  The Red Wolves are in fourth place in the VHLE, tied with the Geneva Rush at 47 points.  They hold down fourth due to their total wins.  There has been some minor line juggling done by GM @KaleebtheMighty in order to tweak the overall production as we head into a series of very tough meaningful games.  Given that there are only eight teams in the league, it occurs to me that every game is meaningful.  You have to beat those teams that you should beat and hope for a bit of puck luck when you play those teams above you.  Now the push for a playoff position.  Go Wolves !

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