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Storm destroy Red Wolves with Precision


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Hear that sound?  That's the sound of all 11 Red Wolves fans whimpering in the corner.


Swept the series 4-0

Outshot the opponent by 50 in those 4 games.

Out-robotted by 1.

Out-cooled by Infinity.


The Round 1 VHLM playoffs series between the Oslo Storm and the Red Wolves from who cares where, went exactly as everyone not wearing a dog jersey expected.  Complete and utter dismantling.


Since the injection of AIM-11 onto the Storm roster, the Oslo Storm have rolled over the Red Wolves in 6 straight games to end the season and sent the puppies back to suckling their mother's teets.  When the Artificial Ice Machine showed up in Oslo he instantly began analyzing the Red Wolves roster and found some serious weaknesses in their lineup.  Using that data, the Storm were able to exploit those weaknesses and never look back. 


The next question can only be 'Will Bern be able to win a game?'  With the Storm dishing out the punishment like a Hurricane Katrina on speed, the Royals should be worried about a change in the monarchy in a few days.



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