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As this is my first player, and first season in the VHL my theme week post is going to cover those members who have helped me navigate my time her as I climbed the ranks from the M to the E, and now the show.  I know, or at least I suspect I know just how much goes into making this league run on the day to day and to those who do all the behind the scenes I would like to give a huge THANK YOU!  I know a lot of times personalities (who have never met) can clash with ease over any online platform so to all the management, I sympathize.  


No that being said let’s break down my “those who have shaped Brian Payne’s career” theme.  So, I hemmed and hawed after discovering the VHL on YouTube one night.  I probably read every review, explored the site, and eventually hit the button to create a player.  I was utterly confused about how to navigate the system and really didn’t know what to do next.  Then came along my first free agent request offering me third pair defensive minutes and maybe some penalty kill time.  JB123 was GM of the San Diego Marlins at the time and despite my total NOOBNess he took me under his wing and guided me to some max TPE earnings.  He was always available for a chat on how to find certain things and what to put my TPE in to make me better.  Huge thank you to JB123 for all the help and to really start my love for being a part of the VHL.


Next, I was drafted by the Bratislava Watchman with rival Bo Johansson.  BOJO became a quick friend and his passion for this SIM game is second to none.  He really kept me motivated to stay on top of max TPE earnings and I truly would have missed some TPE earning options had I not constantly bugged him about how I could catch him in TPE.  Again on the Watchman I was also blessed with a funny and helpful GM Frostbeard. Having great GMs that are patient with noobs is so helpful and FB never shied away from helping me grow and get to the VHL.  Thank you BoJo and FB!


Finally, my first year in the show as been amazing.  Not only are we in the playoffs but I’ve continued to grow as a player and have career high numbers.  I need to spend a special thanks to DLAMB for drafting me and I will continue to work my butt off to prove that Payne was a steal in the draft.  Again, I have been blessed with a good locker room of players to keep the fun in the game and some good trash talk always helps.  


This is just a small sample of those who have been so great to me during my time here.  Thank you to all who make this ship sail as smooth as possible, and I hope to be a part of this for a long time.  



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Great to see you continue to grow and enjoy the league. Was a blast playing together in Bratislava, and seeing you finally get those fights you so badly wanted. Leading the league in both # of fights and fights won in your rookie season is hopefully a sign of things to come.

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