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Suggestion for Newbies - Check out the graphics


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While completing my points task for the week, I had to choose a graphic to do a review on.  It was an excellent graphic so it made it easy to complete the review to earn the 1 TPE.  That left me with a 2 pointer to finish the week.  I’ve been running out of things to talk about but since I was in the graphic post I decided to scroll through some graphics.  This was where I got the idea to write this 2 pt article.  And, being a newbie myself, I thought maybe I could help others. 


Scrolling through the graphics, I came across some outstanding artwork.  The color schemes, placements, and designs were incredible.  They just showed how shallow my skills are and how inept I am with my own graphics.  I can never stop being impressed with the graphics skills people on this site have.  Then I wonder if most of the people on VHL doing graphics are employed elsewhere requiring these skills.  Or they could be taking college classes in web design, etc.  I also learned a lot reading the reviews done on the graphics and the comments the reviewers made were honest, constructive, and accurate.  Well, had I not read the comment, I might not have seen the reason for the comment.  They all made sense.


Here’s my suggestion for all you newbies, especially if your first calculator was a slide rule like mine.  Scour through the graphics and learn from the designers.  Their talent is unmatched.  When I joined the league, Scurvy told me there were some people who could make some incredible graphics but not to worry because they are able to recognize if you don’t have talent.  As you look over other graphics, pick up on something you like and experiment with it.  And if you suck artistically like me, don’t fret.  Take a chance and make a graphic.  It gets easier.  Best of luck!

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