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P.J. Daniels Graphic

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Review: Got excited when I seen Stockholm so it meant I knew the player. I also think the title sums up the graphic very well. I like the fact that you tried something different with a rip graphic; which is very hard to pull off. Which then leads to the first change that I would make being the Aces logo placed on the rip without being ripped itself. Either change the placement or rip the logo as well at the top adding more visual effect. Players name get a bit lost in the middle as it is simply too small; placement and size is key while trying to make the lettering standout. Two different colors and sizes works wonder to draw eyes to the letter. I would have also placed the name to the left of the player but that really is preference. And lastly I would have loved to see an jersey swap on the player to tie him to the team that he played for this season; I wanted to see the Blue & Gold of the Vikings. Overall the graphic is good just needs some finer touches to make it a great graphic. Rating: 6/10 

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Review: I like to way you utilize the team logos to show the history of the player! I think a good way to improve is to try using some HDR filters or maybe a cool border around the image. Maybe even experiment with cutting the player out and placing him on a background. This can be done on IOS app Superimpose or even Photoshop for the computer. I like the font you chose and think it is a great start to becoming a designer! best of luck this season! I'd give your graphic a 7/10 and think you are at a great starting point!

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