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Claimed:Small In Stature, Big In Heart

Guest Svoboda_3

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Guest Svoboda_3

Small In Stature, Big In Heart

He may have only measured in at a paltry 5"5 this season, but what Oskars Harumpf lacked in height, he definitely made up for it in heart. Taking the self-proclaimed quote from the pages of Harumpf himself, the diminutive forward claimed off of waivers this season by the Saskatoon Wild, proved not only valuable at times on the ice, but his value and passion in the locker room weighed volumes larger than his 250-pound stature indicated.



At the time of selecting the oddly shaped Dane, the Saskatoon Wild knew exactly who they were getting, but weren't quite sure of what they were getting. Upon arriving in Saskatoon, Oskars from the get go was a very dedicated member in the gym as well as a competitive and highly driven individual. Those were traits that were definitely obvious from the onset. What the Wild did obtain in Oskars outside of the obvious was a very vocal and personable player, who put his own needs aside for the betterment of the team. Oskars became a leader, a friend and a reliable fixture in the Saskatoon Wild line-up. These types of players don't come around often, and for General Manager Brett Slobodzian, among the departures for the Wild after this season, the loss of Oskars might hit the team the hardest. "Oskars was a true professional for us this season. There were times where he was down on his own play, but I've never seen a better player display such mature character in those situations of adversity."

Sure the 16 points in 43 games for Harumpf weren't stats that jumped out at you, but behind the scenes, Oskars displayed a willingness to improve, a desire to succeed and a passion to lead. "You really felt bad for the guy," commented Slobodzian. "Here's a guy who busted his ass like the rest of the team did and he was purely snake-bitten, but you have to give him credit though, he never swayed from his dedication and never hindered his character. Those are players that you highly covet; they just don't come around that often," reassured Brett.

Oskars didn't just hold high praise by the teams General Manager, but among the consensus of his teammates, Oskars was a great representation of what Saskatoon Wild hockey is all about. "Oskars was a great guy in the locker room. He never had anything negative to say and he always took to the positive side of things. He certainly made me a better man for being around him and I can't wish him anything but the best of luck in his future. After all, he has an incredibly bright one ahead of him," echoed Kayl Kuzie.



Proving how hard Oskars worked throughout the season, as evidenced by his numbers in the playoffs (14GP, 3G, 8A, 11P), it sets Harumpf up perfectly for next season to take his game to a completely different level and to showcase his skills and to put himself in the limelight of the VHLM discussion. Unfortunately for the Wild, the chances of having Harumpf return to the organization are rather slim, but for whichever team is able to land the diminutive forward, Brett Slobodzian offers up his letter of recommendation. "Far too often we gauge talent by TPE, but there are times where you need to stand back and really see what the player is all about. Oskars might not enter the VHLM Dispersal Draft with the most TPE or the best numbers statistically, but his character is truly immaculate and contagious. Oskars is a warrior, a great example and a heart-and-soul type of guy. Any team questioning the selection of Harumpf is an utter fool and someone completely out of the loop. As much as I plan on trying to bring Oskars back to the Wild, I have to prepare for life without him, and right now, that is proving rather difficult at the moment," stated a dejected Brett Slobodzian following the Wild's disappointing second round playoff collapse.

"Oskars, we want you to know that we appreciate your dedication and contributions to the hockey organization this past season. We enjoyed watching you in action, having you be a contributing member of our locker room and a true ambassador in the City of Saskatoon. Your on-ice and off-ice contributions were valued and we wish you all the best of luck in the VHLM Dispersal Draft. Just remember, once a Saskatoon Wild, always a Saskatoon Wild." - Brett Slobodzian & Joey Kendrick

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