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Just typing whatever comes to mind


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You ever start typing out a article and than check the word count and decide to use it as media spot instead? You know because you still need one? Well that's what happened to me. I was writing about Hexy, my first player but when I checked the word count at 346 I decided it'd be easier to just add some more in there and turn it into a media spot and than just come up with something else for my article, so here I am, rambling. I was thinking about talking about something deeper, the lack of motivation I've been struggling with for a while. I've been max capping for over a year now I'm pretty sure, I know I did it for most of Hextall's seasons and I haven't missed one so far with Ori five seasons into his career. I keep telling myself I can last another three seasons but the more I think about it the more I realize just how long that could be. Problem is I didn't start banking till part way through season 83, currently I have 72 TPE banked for depreciation, which happen tomorrow. I figure I'll mostly tank whatever hit I take for my first time. But because I've putting in TPE for such a long time, also acting like I'll be max capping I worry it would hurt more in Ori's second last or last season if how much I'm earning really slows down.


Well I've hit the amount of words I need so time to say ciao for now.


(word count 260)

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It's interesting to think about burnout (put more specifically with the actual meaning of burnout, something you like doing becoming something you feel you're obligated to do over some period of time) as it applies to the league. Too many people feel that there's some level of shame in taking a week without maxing, when in reality really no one is going to care.


I think a fair question for you is this--if you make yourself max out for the rest of your career, do you see yourself recreating after that point, or will you have no motivation left? How does that compare to taking a more relaxed approach and just taking some level of TPA reduction for what it is? You're the only one who can answer that.


Regardless, I hope you stick around, and I hope you find what you're looking for to have more fun in this league! It's a cool place, and sometimes we just have to remember that we're here because we choose to be.

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On 6/13/2022 at 12:13 AM, Gustav said:

It's interesting to think about burnout (put more specifically with the actual meaning of burnout, something you like doing becoming something you feel you're obligated to do over some period of time) as it applies to the league. Too many people feel that there's some level of shame in taking a week without maxing, when in reality really no one is going to care.


I think a fair question for you is this--if you make yourself max out for the rest of your career, do you see yourself recreating after that point, or will you have no motivation left? How does that compare to taking a more relaxed approach and just taking some level of TPA reduction for what it is? You're the only one who can answer that.


Regardless, I hope you stick around, and I hope you find what you're looking for to have more fun in this league! It's a cool place, and sometimes we just have to remember that we're here because we choose to be.

Sorry for the late reply, I really did mean to reply to this earlier.


I made the choice early that after Ori I would be taking at minimum a two season break from the league, so I guess that's part of the reason I'm pushing myself with him. I do think that with my next play I probably will take a reduction in earning, most likely.


It is a cool league and I stuck around to make a second player for a reason, and I look forward to one being on my third player.

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