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What Happened to Otis?

Ozzy Batty

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The crazy thing about sim life and real life is sometimes they conflict with each other. That happened with Otis. Sim life was rocking along and real life was doing its thing, but then things got crazy. Real life threw Otis a curve ball and things got crazy really fast. Otis ended up having to step aside for his real life commitments.


In real life, my parents are in their late 70s and had moved to Nashville. I had made a quick trip over there to help them get settled, but there was more to do. So I headed back over, this time for a week. I tried to help them, work full time, and do some stuff with my Dad. He is 78 and has had multiple strokes. He has not been able to attend any sports events in 6 years due to his health. It just so happened that the USFL was playing a game that Saturday, so we went to a football game. I then found out the Nashville Sounds, the minor league team in Nashville, was playing at home that week. I was able to get us tickets and due to the weather and a game getting rained out, we got to see a double-header. The smile on his face was priceless.


Their internet wasnt working so I had to get that sorted out as well, plus move things around for them. That wasnt the easiest thing to do with a partially torn rotator cuff! But I finally got everything taken care of, at least this time, and was able to come back home. Yea, that is what happened to "real-life" Otis. 


While all of this was going on, Otis was traded from Houston to Halifax, leaving his wife in Houston. Sadly, it wasnt the best thing for Otis as he seemed to lose his mojo. Halifax made a great run at the title, but the strength of Las Vegas and San Diego made sure they didnt win the title. After the season ended, Otis was released from Halifax. His first season in the VHL didnt go as he had hoped it would, but he made a name for himself. Sadly though, he seemed to appear to flame out as quickly as he appeared on the scene. 


But the truth is, he has not gone anywhere. He had to deal with life, but it doesnt mean that he is gone, it means he chose to spend time with his aged parents. 


Will the story lines return? You bet! Will the saga of he and his wife possibly being on different teams grow? More than likely! 


But the truth is The Irish Kid isnt gone, he just had to deal with something, but he is back and cant wait to see what happens next! Plus, I need some stuff to write about!

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