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Tate Thoughts (June 20)


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Well, here I am to admit that I’ve used the welfare button the past two weeks.  It’s the first time in Brandt Fuhr’s career I have done this, and I only ever did it once before when I had Lincoln Tate. I actually might do it more often and that has a lot to do with the fact that I get 5 TPE for welfare instead of 4 due to the fact that I’ve had 2 players exceed 500 or 600 TPA (not sure which one it is and too lazy to check the rules page). So now that I can handle giving up on one to two TPE a week, I think I might use it more often and just capitalize on media when it’s a theme week or I make a donation.


In Vancouver news the addition of Frank as the new GM has been a pleasant transition. I was quite nervous at first as I wasn’t sure if his plan would be to keep or trade me, but now that I know I am wanted in the pack I am more than happy to stay. I was really pleased with the draft for the Wolves and can say with some confidence that the future is bright. 😊


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