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Just my opinion


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I will admit up front that a a player just starting their second season ever I lack a lot of credibility. Yet as an intelligent person I can quickly see that the VHLE was a stop gap measure and does not have any long-term viability. 


Based on what I have been able to find out, the VHLE was introduced to handle an influx of players during Covid. So many new players joined that there was not enough room on teams in the VHL for people. As such the VHLE was introduced to handle the overflow for the lower TPA players that did not have the TPA criteria to hold a position within a VHL roster. Whoever produced this idea, I will admit, came up with a very intelligent and creative option.  


However, with enrollment now dropping off the VHLM is struggling to have teams large enough to fill positions. For example, the San Diego Marlins currently, and this is being written one day before the season is to begin, has 5 players. 2 forwards, 2 defense and a goalie. The ability to field a full lineup is now declining which leads to the league having less credibility. 

The natural solution to this issue would be to abolish the VHLE at some point in the future and then increase the TPE CAP in the VHLM such that the expectation would be that players would spend 2 seasons in the VHLM. They would then graduate to the VHL and play the remainder of their career. 


Now I will admit there is a second option. That option would be to find a way to flood the VHLM with new players making it a sturdy base for supporting the VHLE and VHL for future seasons. This recruitment would need to be maintained such that the process could continue. Without this happening, the collapse of the VHLE will be required. 


Just my opinion. 

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