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Houston's first week of S84


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After a solid first 12 games of S84, Houston holds a 7-5-0 record and sits 4th overall in the VHLM standings. I am really impressed by this 5-2-1 roster and the fact that they don't quit even when matched up against top teams in the league. For starters, being in the West Division we have been seeing two teams a lot already: the Las Vegas Aces, S83 Founder's Cup Champions, and the Mexico City Kings, who had the best draft this past off-season. Both teams have more depth and higher TPE players than us in Houston, but that doesn't matter! We have a 3-1-0 record against Mexico, and then unfortunately a 0-3-0 record against Vegas. All of these games have been super close though besides a 6-0 Vegas blowout against us. I am super pumped that we are able to compete with the big dogs, and as the season progresses, I feel like we will be able to take more games.


For the roster, the 8 players we have are all a pleasure to have on the team. Our discord is such a fun place to be as there's always multiple players popping into the locker room daily to chat. Everyone is a great person which motivates me more to be a better GM. I feel like the way their players are performing also boosts morale in the locker room, as the whole team is doing great so far.


Starting with our top scorer, Daniel Weaver @ThePerfectNut. Weaver was drafted this past off-season 6th overall. I recently GMed in the JST and had Weaver on my team, I knew I needed to take him again. 9 goals in 12 games, 5th in the league for goals, and our team's leading point scorer, Weaver has been performing extremely well to help lead Houston. Weaver also leads the league in hat tricks with two under his belt already. I am excited to see how this capped TPE left winger can compete against the league for the remainder of the season.


Todd Cooke @l1l KRZY l9l is next on the list. I drafted Cooke 10th overall in the draft after hearing good words about him from his former GM in Ottawa. Cooke is another one of our capped players who plays big minutes as our number one center. Cooke and Weaver have been paired together all season and both lead the team with 14 points. But while Weaver scores goals, Cooke is there to assist them. Cooke already has 8 assists in 12 games to lead our team, as well as 6 goals to go with that. It is a lot of fun putting Cooke on all of the lines because he is a player you know can play anywhere, in any role.


Our first waiver pick up is next! Brayden Albrecht @Gage2 has been a total treat in the locker room and on the ice. Albrecht is a point per game player with an even 6 goals and 6 assists so far. Gage earned a gorgeous 10 capped TPE in his first week of joining, something to make a VHLM GM tear up. Gage has been hard at work, willing to learn, and a super chill member. I am so happy we scored him and Albrecht this season, as I've only had good things to say.


To finish up the forward core, we have Cash Aleksic @glass and Alex Ovechkin II @Bruh. Both quality top 6 forwards who have been performing above standards. Starting with Aleksic, a recreate player of glass' who we signed to waivers. Aleksic joined a few games late and has already put up 9 points in 8 games. He also is already tied for game winning goals for our team. Glass has been nice to have in the locker room, and is willing to learn the TPE earning ways, so I am super happy to have him on the team. Moving over to Ovechkin II. I snagged Bruh's player in the 4th round of the draft at 34th overall. Unfortunately I haven't heard any word from Bruh since, but he is updating weekly still and his player is good, so that's a W. Ovechkin II plays a lot of second line minutes, usually playing with bots but still has held his own. With 9 points in 12 games and our team's leading hitter, he is on pace for a really good season while not even being 100 TPE.


Moving onto the defenseman, the lone soldiers on the blue line Jani Karppinen @ShawnGlade and Izaak bobs @izaak. As a skater, you usually look towards the point column each game and hope for the best, these two players though have been our lower point getters this season. But with 8 and 9 points in 12 games, I really don't see that as horrible at all. When I look at these two I see Karppinen with 28 shots blocked, being the highest on our team and 2nd in the league, and then I see bobs as our big body defenseman with 27 hits, 2nd highest on our team. These two play a great defensive game which we extremely need since Houston has such a small roster. Both players sit above 150 TPE already and should be capped by the end of the season. They are great pieces to have on our team and we would be struggling without them. Shawn has also been fun to have in the locker room. Being Ottawa's AGM, I figured he would be quiet, but he is in there everyday chatting with the team and having a good time.


Last but not least, our saviour this season, Bill Nye The Puck Stopping Guy @Big Newff. Coming out of the draft without a goalie scared me quite a bit, so I ended up scrolling through the VHL discord in hopes of a user without a team. I came across Newff and saw that he had created players before, so I gave it a shot and sent a message. To my surprise he answered back and was down to play between the pipes for Houston. Since joining the team, the players are pumped to not have goalie troubles, and Bill Nye has been killer for us. 3rd in the league for wins, 6th in SV% and GAA, and has already secured his first shutout of the season. Newff has also been one of our best TPE earners. After a bit of discussion, he found his way and has been max capping on TPE each week!! 114 TPE after two updating weeks in the league is insane and it makes me really proud as a GM to know I can help players achieve that goal. It has been amazing having Newff on the squad and I'm excited to see how he grows this season.


I also need to shoutout my AGM @Minion. Minion had been looking for another management jobs for a while and I knew I needed to snag him. Lots of GMing experience, lots of energy for the team, and just all around an amazing person to work with. I went away this weekend on a camping trip and Minion held the fort for me perfectly.



Edited by ajwllmsn
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