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Bana Blabs #51


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Hello, everyone. On day off #4/6 and loving life right now. Days on were stressful and I'm glad they're over with and done. Work has been busy and annoying but it is what it is. Do you have much of a choice? Not really.  Been a busy set of days off but that's okay. My first day off I went and met a person I've been speaking to and it's the first person since my separation. Went for a walk by the river valley, got an ice cream, went to this food festival in Edmonton and then drank wine on their balcony. The rest we can't say, ya know? ;) We then met up again on Saturday. This time we went hiking by Drumheller to have some fun with the river and the hoodoos with my two dobermans. Did the hike, got back to the truck and then we had a little picnic with some mimosas looking down on the river valley and hoodoo range. It was very beautiful. She came over after, we indulged in a vegan pizza and watched a movie! Pretty awesome stuff. Today went to the same food festival with my siblings and we tried SOOO many different kinds of foods. We bought 80 tickets and each item ranges from 2-5 tickets basically. It was amazing! Now to VHL, okay?


  • Bears are still good. Not bad. Can't always been first place. Proud of the team. 
  • My player is doing good. It's been a lot of fun this season. I'm excited to have the Kovalchuk name bouncing once again.
  • Theme week is fun. Crazy the VHL is 15 years old. Like, super crazy. Hard to believe I've been doing player sim leagues for this long too... like 11+ years.



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