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David Lee Roth? Excellent!

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Review: Oh, My!! At first I was looking at the image and I didn`t understand why the logo at the bottom had the person foot on it and why it was distorted. Then it hit me like a ton of bricks when I understood that the logo was Riga. Making me have my duh moment since HC Davos and Riga just played in the play-offs right? Overall, It is an interesting image with a nice blend of the HC Davos logo in the background over top of the town of Davos. If I was going to make a few changes to the graphic I would make the town of Davos greyed out (orchid is what I like to use) as it would give Logo on the background a bit more pop of color and bring your attention to the Riga logo. Also make a reference for us dumb folk that aren`t following the VHL play-offs as much as maybe others. In the end I also like the touch of the crying logo and bloodied nose of the Riga logo as it a nice  comical touch. Score: 8/10  

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